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Titre sur fond bleu et jaune

IRISA joins in the day's events « Le numérique, des métiers en tous genres »

The day « Le numérique : des métiers en tous genres » This day, which takes place simultaneously in the digital centers of Brest Bouguen, Brest Iroise, Rennes Beaulieu and Rennes Villejean, as well as in the tele-amphitheaters of Lannion and Vannes and at ENSTA Bretagne, aims to raise awareness among middle school students (3rd year) about the great diversity of digital professions and the place [..]

Logo ANR sur fond IA

4 IRISA members in the list of ANR IA Chairs

The Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR-National Research Agency) has published the list of selected projects in the framework of the call for Research and teaching chairs in Artifical Intelligence (AI). Among the 40 chairs announced on December 12, four are within the scope of IRISA, one of the four is also co-funded by the Defense Innovation Agency (AID). These chairs are one of the flagship [..]

Portrait de Vanéa Chiprianov

Vanea Chiprianov passed away

It is with great sadness that IRISA announce of the passing of Vanea Chiprianov., UBS associate professor and member of the ArchWare research team on Monday, June 15. Vanea was an Associate Professor at UBS and a member of IRISA's Archware team since September 2018. His area of interest was the cybersecurity of systems of systems. He obtained his Ph.D. from Telecom Bretagne (currently IMT [..]

Portrait de Christian Barillot ©Inria

Christian Barillot passed away

It is with great sadness that we inform you that Christian Barillot passed away this Sunday, June 14. Research Director at CNRS, Christian was 60 years old. In addition to having been a leading international scientific personality, Christian played a major role at the CNRS where he has been, among other things, President of the Scientific Council of INS2I. He was also a figure within IRISA and the [..]