All the news

©Photo Inria Rennes

The virtual reality at the service of the rehabilitation of patients with Covid-19

What if virtual reality helped the rehabilitation of Covid-19 patients in resuscitation? Verare, a n innovative concept implemented in record time thanks to a close collaboration between the Hybrid research team and the teams from the intensive care and physical and rehabilitation medicine departments of Rennes University Hospital A few weeks before the health crisis, the Hybrid research team [..]

Awards & nominations

Best Paper Award in the Rainbow team at ICRA 2020

Congratulations to Fabien Spindler (Inria Engineer) and François Chaumette (Inria Research Director) of the Rainbow research team and the other members of the consortium of the H2020 Comanoid project coordinated by Abderrahmane Kheddar (CNRS Researcher at LIRMM), who received at ICRA 2020 conference the best paper 2019 award from IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine for the article : A. Kheddar [..]

In the press
Logo Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie 19 20 21  juin 2020

When IRISA combines the past with the future

As archaeological remains are fragile witnesses to be analyzed, interpreted, preserved and valorized, discover on the occasion of the European days of archaeology, the multiple innovative digital approaches in this field ... Valérie Gouranton (associate professor INSA) coordinator of the ANR-FRQSC INTROSPECT project and Ronan Gaugne (research engineer), members of the Hybrid research team. From [..]

Logo Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie 19 20 21  juin 2020

When IRISA combines the past with the future

As archaeological remains are fragile witnesses to be analyzed, interpreted, preserved and valorized, discover on the occasion of the European days of archaeology, the multiple innovative digital approaches in this field ... Valérie Gouranton (associate professor INSA) coordinator of the ANR-FRQSC INTROSPECT project and Ronan Gaugne (research engineer), members of the Hybrid research team. From [..]

Image reprise du site projet ADAPT

A technological innovation that will revolutionize wheelchair mobility

As part of the European ADAPT project , Marie Babel (associate professor INSA in Rainbow research team ) is working on the development of a device to assist in driving an electric wheelchair. Today, not all people with disabilities have access to electric wheelchairs. At the risk of jeopardizing people's safety, the visual impairment, for example, does not allow this type of chair to be driven [..]

In the press
Insecte sur du code. ©Shutterstock

"Where do computer bugs come from?"

Article of June 05, by Jean-Marc Jézéquel Professor at the University of Rennes 1 and Director of IRISA Jean-Marc Jezequel, is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Rennes 1 and Director of IRISA. He was awarded the CNRS silver medal in 2016. Jean-Marc explains to us where these little bugs come from that regularly disturb us in our digital activities and can be expensive [..]

Expo de momie d'un chat et sa représtation 3D (en arrière plan)

When science mixes with archaeology ...

In 2017, the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes makes an astonishing discovery about its 2500-year-old Egyptian cat mummy, which has been carefully preserved in the collections since 1923. This discovery will fuel an international research collaboration, one of the results of which can be seen at the Museum of Fine Arts. A study conducted in Manchester on nearly 800 animal mummies from ancient Egypt [..]

Personne dans un fauteuil équipée d'un masque de réalité augmentée

Piloting the house connected by the brain

Can we turn off the light or zap from one TV channel to another simply by brain activity? As part of its research platform on the connected home, Orange Labs is beginning to explore the potential of neural interfaces... Science fiction? Not quite anymore. When the brain makes a decision, neurons produce electrical impulses. An electroencephalographic headset can pick up these signals on the scalp [..]