Congratulations to Mohamed Sabt, Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1, member of the EMSEC research team and Gwendal Patat, PhD who make their appareance on the prestigious Google Hall of Fame for their contribution to Android system security.
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Congratulations to Mohamed Sabt and Gwendal Patat who make their appareance on the prestigious Google Hall of Fame
Congratulations to Paolo Robuffo Giordano, is among the most influential AI 2000 researchers in the field of robotics
AI 2000 Robotics Most Influential Scholars IRISA is proud to announce that Paolo Robuffo Giordano, CNRS research director and head og the Rainbow researc team is one of the « AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars Honorable Mention » in the field of Robotics. In addition to this distinction, Paolo is the only researcher representing a French institute! Congratulations to Paolo Robuffo Giordano. Paolo [..]
Colloque Droit, IA et Santé
Colloque DRIAS (Droit, IA et Santé) du 21 au 22 juin en distanciel (conference only in french) "Regards croisés sur les responsabilités éthiques, juridiques et techniques dans l’usage des outils d’IA en Santé" Le développement des outils basés sur des techniques d’intelligence artificielle (ou outil d’IA) dans le domaine de la santé vise à l'amélioration des soins et du système de soins. Leur mise [..]
Between transparency and confidentiality, is electronic voting viable?
In France, where the first lockdown was imposed immediately following the initial round of the 2020 municipal elections, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought remote electronic voting back to the forefront. Stéphanie Delaune (research director CNRS and member of EMSEC team) and Véronique Cortier (resarch director CNRS at Loria), specialists in cryptographic issues, shed light on the scientific [..]
63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed during the FogGuru’s hackathon Hack the Fog!
The hackathon "Hack the Fog" is the event to promote the results of the European project FogGuru, coordinated by the Université de Rennes 1 A week ago (March 16-28), for more than 48 hours, 63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed in the international hackaton #HackTheFog, a contest to develop an application prototype that improves the sustainability of La Marina de [..]
Congratulations to the EMSEC team for its best paper at FSE 2021
Congratulations to Stéphanie Delaune (CNRS Research Director ), Patrick Derbez (Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1) and Mathieu Vavrille (former intern in the EMSEC team and currently PhD student in Nantes) for their best paper award “Catching the Fastest Boomerangs -- Application to SKINNY” at FSE 2022. Paper obtained in the framwork of the ANR DeCrypt project.
A new management team at IRISA
After nearly 10 years at the head of IRISA, Jean-Marc Jézéquel hands over to Guillaume Gravier. Guillaume Gravier, Director of Research at the CNRS, has taken over the management of IRISA from Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Professor at the Université de Rennes 1. He will be supported by Pascale Sébillot, Professor at INSA Rennes, and Sandrine Blazy, Professor at Université de Rennes 1.
Launch of the acceleration strategy to develop cybersecurity, with Gildas Avoine appointed CNRS scientific leader of PEPR
Gildas Avoine, Professor INSA Rennes is appointed CNRS scientific leader of « Programme et équipements prioritaires de recherche » (PEPR). Cybersecurity is a major issue of the 21st century! Cybersecurity is not only a question of national security, but also of the sustainability of business development and the safety of citizens. Stakes, made even more visible during the health crisis and the [..]