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Logos Ars Electronica et Immersia sur fond extrait de "Creative Harmony"

IRISA joins the ARS ELECTRONICA Festival in an artistic performance "CREATIVE HARMONY"

Two virtual environments, two cities, two audiences to create a single networked virtual world ... when IRISA's expertise is at the center of a work of art "CREATIVE HARMONY" at the Festival Ars Electronika*, it is to be discovered this weekend in streaming. "CREATIVE HARMONY", is a work of art in virtual reality, composed of two virtual environments that will be networked between 2 cities (Rennes [..]

Femme devant ordinateur en visioconférence

Videoconferencing, the 14th cyber security challenge?

Lockdown has given videoconferencing tools a considerable boost, which has been accompanied by numerous confidentiality problems. Gildas Avoine (INSA full professor, researcher at IRISA and head of the EMSEC research team, director of the GDR Sécurité Informatique) draws lessons from this sudden evolution and suggests ways to improve the security of these tools. The health crisis we are going [..]

Awards & nominations
33rd IEEE Computer Security Fondations Symposium, June 22-25, 2020 - Virtual Conference

Best paper award obtained within the EMSEC team

Distinction obtained at the CSFSymposium for the paper by Solène Moreau (CNRS doctoral student) supervised by David Baelde (Senior Lecturer at LSV - Université Paris Saclay) and Stéphanie Delaune (CNRS Research Director, EMSEC research team at IRISA) for the article " A Method for Proving Unlinkability of Stateful Protocols " distinguished at conference CSF 2020 More at : Conférence 33rd IEEE [..]

In the press
Concentration d'un gardien de but. ©iStockPhoto

How to improve the attention of goalkeepers?

Front-page article of the CNRS journal ... How to improve the attention of goalkeepers? Knowing how to look out of the corner of your eye can be crucial when you are a professional footballer and especially a goalkeeper! Thanks to a study conducted with the complicity of several of them, a cognitive science researcher has obtained promising results to improve peripheral vision Read the article [..]

Awards & nominations
Best Paper Award Linkmedia B.Bonnet - IH & MMSEC

Best Student Paper Award in the Linkmedia Research Team

Congratulations to Benoit Bonnet (PhD student Université Rennes 1) fron LinkMedia research team who who received the Best Student Paper Award at the IHMMSEC 2020 conference for the paper : “ What if Adversarial Samples were Digital Images?” , Benoit Bonnet (PhD studentUniversité R ennes1), Teddy Furon (Inria researcher) both member of LinkMedia research team, Patrick Bas (CNRS researcher at Ecole [..]

Awards & nominations
Portrait de Hakim Si-Mohammed pour son 1er prix de thèse 2019 décerné par la Fondation Rennes1

1st Thesis Prize Fondation Rennes 1 for Hakim Si-Mohammed

The Rennes 1 Foundation awarded, on Thursday July 2nd, its 2019 Thesis Prizes to 8 PhDs from the University of Rennes 1. Congratulations to Hakim Si-Mohammed who completed his thesis in the Hybrid research team. Thesis Director: Anatole Lécuyer Thesis abstract: Design of new interactive systems in which users manipulate real and virtual objects, thanks to Brain-Computer Interfaces that allow to [..]

Awards & nominations
Photo d'André Seznec et logo Intel

André Seznec, 2019 Intel Outstanding Research Award Winner

Intel sponsors and works alongside leading academic researchers around the globe in such areas as quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and other emerging innovative technologies. Each year, Intel recognizes the outstanding contributions made by Intel-sponsored academic research by awarding prizes to outstanding researchers. In selecting the winners, special consideration is given to [..]

Awards & nominations
IEEE Haptics Symposium 2020

Awards at IEEE HAPTICS 2020 conference for RAINBOW & HYBRID teams

Awards at the IEEE HAPTICS 2020 Conference Congratulations to Rahaf Rahal (PhD Student Université de Rennes 1, RAINBOW research team) Thomas Howard (post-doctoral CNRS, RAINBOW research team) Guillaume Gicquel (engineer, CNRS) Giulia Matarese (student M2, RAINBOW research team) Steeven Villa (student M2, RAINBOW research team) Xavier de Tinguy (PhD Student, INSA, HYBRID reseach team) Maud Marchal [..]