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Storing our data on DNA

Storing our data on DNA To be discovered, a new way of storing information on DNA molecules! written by Dominique Lavenier, CNRS research director and researcher in the Genscale research team. La production mondiale de données croît à un rythme exponentiel. Elle double tous les 3 ans. Cette masse d’informations est stockée dans des « data centers », d’immenses usines numériques extrêmement [..]


Guest of the month: professor Frank Steinicke - #50ansIRISA

As part of IRISA's 50th anniversary celebrations, don't miss this month's guest speaker, Frank Steinicke, Professor at the University of Hamburg, on Thursday 06 March at 2.30pm. His talk, entitled ‘Is XR Winter Coming? Bridging between Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality’ is subject to compulsory registration.

Photo of group of trainees

A look back at the observation course for 13 3rd year trainees ...

From 29 to 31 January, we welcomed 13 secondary school pupils to give them an insight into the world of IT research. Over the course of the three days, our researchers took time to welcome Liam, Come, Alwena, William, Basile, Alban, Alois, Pierre, Jules, Amélia, Camille, Tytouan and Violette, who had come to IRISA and the Inria centre at the University of Rennes to complete their work placement [..]

Large quantities of stacked newspapers

Ouest-France, the CNRS and the University of Rennes are launching the first joint laboratory between a media organisation and academic research.

Synapse, the first joint laboratory combining a media organisation and academic research With the support of the French National Research Agency, Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes are launching Synapse, the first joint laboratory aimed to interconnect artificial intelligence, the media, press content, journalists and readers. Synapse will work towards quality journalism, offering [..]

Logo des 50 ans de l'IRISA

IRISA is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year ...

Find out about all the events organised as part of IRISA's 50th anniversary celebrations

Logo des 50 ans de l'IRISA

IRISA wishes you all the best for 2025

IRISA wishes you all the best for 2025, a landmark year! The laboratory is celebrating its 50th anniversary and invites you to take part in a series of special events throughout the year. Stay tuned for the full programme and make sure you don't miss a thing of this historic event!

Personnage vert qui court sur un fond abstrait bleu marine et rouge vif

Sport Physics 2024: when science meets high-performance sports

From December 3 to 5, 2024, Rennes hosted Sport Physics 2024, a high-level international scientific conference dedicated to advances in scientific research in the fields of physics and biomechanics related to high-performance sports. This event, held every four years after the Summer Olympic Games, brings together experts and researchers to discuss the latest findings in the field. The conference [..]

Awards & nominations
Maxime Dumonteil (à droite sur la photo)

"Best paper honorable" for Seamless team (ex-Hybrid)

Do we study an archaeological artifact differently in VR and in reality? The work carried out as part of Maxime Dumonteil's thesis in the HYBRID team - in collaboration with the archaeology laboratory of the Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Trajectoires - studies the differences in behavior when carrying out a task in archaeology, between real and virtual environments. Experimentation carried [..]