An important part of our activity is dedicated to research training. More than 70% of our scientists (our faculty members, but also researchers, post-doctoral students and research engineers) work in 12 partner institutions - universities and engineering schools.
CentraleSupelec Rennes, ENS Rennes, ENSIBS Bretagne-Sud, ESIR Rennes, ENSSAT Lannion, INSA Rennes, Institut Mines Telecom - Campus de Rennes Atlantique, ISTIC, IUT Lannion, IUT Saint-Malo, IUT de Vannes, Université de Bretagne Sud
In all digital science curricula offered by one of these 12 components, our scientists, most of whom are supported by one of these components, are strategically involved in and responsible for the design of the curriculum (track, year, program, etc.).
In addition to this involvement in a number of master's and engineering degree programs in numerical sciences, IRISA is the cornerstone of the research-oriented Master SIF program, common to 5 trustees of IRISA. About 90% of the SIF research stream is led by IRISA researchers, with courses strongly oriented towards the laboratory's research activities and taught by its scientists. A large majority of the Master's students do their internship at IRISA and the best ones often continue their studies as PhD students.
IRISA is also strategically proactive in the Master's program in bioinformatique combining computer science and medicine, currently led by two IRISA faculty members affiliated with the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences of UR1. Scientists from the two IRISA teams in the field of bioinformatics are strongly involved in the Master's program whose tracks are in line with their research objectives.
Master School Européenne EIT Digital Master Cloud and Network Infrastructures - Master Cyber Security - Master Data Science.
IRISA also participates in international postgraduate programs, notably in the various programs of the EIT Digital Master's degree. These programs allow students to acquire advanced technological skills and entrepreneurship training. IRISA also steers the GeoData Science track of the Erasmus Mundus Master's program entitled Copernicus Master in Digital Earth, managed by UBS.
And finally, IRISA is heavily invested in the two new University Research Schools: CyberSchool and DigiSport.
CyberSchool, Ecole universitaire de recherche en Cybersécurité, unique en France.
At the same time, IRISA faculty members have developed several initiatives, opening the doors of the laboratory to undergraduate and graduate students. These initiatives aim at attracting students to continue their studies at the doctoral level and further facilitate collaboration with industry once these students graduate.