For two days, from 8 to 10 February, Antoine, Emilien, Gaël, Ilyès, Marius, Rémi, Rose, Thaïs, Théophile and Timéo came to IRISA and the Inria centre at the University of Rennes for their observation period.
To help them discover computer science research and its various professions, some fifteen people - researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers, doctoral students and administrative staff - devoted part of their time to them.
Thanks to small workshops, presentations and lots of exchanges and discussions, the trainees had a first approach to the world of computer science research.
They started their internship with a visit of the Inria buildings and conference area, and then had a series of exchanges with our scientists and support staff:
- demonstrations of drones and the robotics platform with the Rainbow team
- introduction to virtual reality with the VirtUs and Hybrid teams
- meeting with the GenScale team to discuss bioinformatics with a presentation of the GenOuest platform and a visit to the server room
- discovery of applied mathematics and image watermarking with the Linkmedia team
- exchanges about security with the High Security Laboratory
- meeting with a project leader: Startup Sonaide
- presentation of the missions of the Experimentation and Development Department and the 3D printers
- and finally, awareness-raising and exchanges with the Gender Equality Commission, which gave them an overview of the place of women in science and the actions taken to break down codes and prejudices.
The students ended their course with a 3-minute pitch exercise.
The success of these few days is due to the participation of about fifteen people. Thank you to each and every one of them.