Head of team
Paolo ROBUFFO GIORDANO (Research director, CNRS)

RAINBOW : Sensor-based and interactive robotics

The long-term vision of the Rainbow team is to develop the next generation of sensor-based robots able to navigate and/or interact in complex unstructured environments together with human users.

We aim at tackling these general scientific challenges:

  • high-level of autonomy for complex robots in complex (unstructured) environments;
  • forward interfaces for letting an operator giving high-level commands to the robots in simple ways; backward interfaces for informing the operator about the robot ‘status’;
  • user studies for assessing the best interfacing depending on the particular task/situation.

The applications targeted by research activities involve:

  • remote manipulation with single/multiple arms under the guidance of a human operator;
  • coordination of single/multiple mobile robots for spatial navigation tasks (e.g., exploration, navigation, mapping);
  • medical robotics for semi-autonomous probing and intervention;
  • assistive mobility devices for frail or impaired people.

Fait suite à l'équipe LAGADIC.

Creation date
Reporting institution
Université de Rennes 1, CNRS, INSA Rennes, Inria, ENS Rennes
Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes (35)
Activity reports
Attachment Size
RAINBOW-RA-2023.pdf 22.7 MB
RAINBOW-RA-2022.pdf 26.08 MB
RAINBOW-RA-2021.pdf 8.94 MB
rainbow2019.pdf 8.66 MB
rainbow2018.pdf 8.49 MB