Head of team
Christine GUILLEMOT (Research director, Inria)

SIROCCO : Analysis representation, compression and communication of visual data

Building upon a strong background on signal/image/video processing and information theory, the goal of the SIROCCO team is to design mathematically founded tools and algorithms for visual data analysis, modeling, representation, coding, and processing, with for the latter area an emphasis on inverse problems related to super-resolution, view synthesis, HDR recovery from multiple exposures, denoising and inpainting. Even if 2D imaging is still within our scope, the goal is to give a particular attention to HDR imaging, light fields, and 360o videos.

The project-team activities are structured and organized around the following inter-dependent research axes:

  • Visual data analysis
  • Signal processing and learning methods for visual data representation and compression
  • Algorithms for inverse problems in visual data processing
  • Distributed coding for interactive communication.
Creation date
Reporting institution
Inria, Université de Rennes, CNRS
Campus de Beaulieu, RENNES (35)
Activity reports
Attachment Size
SIROCCO-RA-2023.pdf 978 KB
SIROCCO-RA-2022.pdf 908.64 KB
SIROCCO-RA-2021.pdf 1.02 MB
sirocco2019.pdf 851.74 KB
sirocco2018.pdf 822.29 KB
sirocco2017.pdf 1.78 MB