DRUID : Declarative & Reliable management of Uncertain, user-generated Interlinked Data
D7 - Data and knowledge management |
DYLISS is a bioinformatics team focusing on the identification and characterization of the groups of genetic actors that control the phenotypic response of individuals or species to their environment.
D7 - Data and knowledge management |
GENSCALE : Scalable, Optimized and Parallel Algorithms for Genomics
The GenScale team works in close connection with biologist colleagues to propose algorithms and their implementations to process large genomic data generated by DNA sequencing...
D7 - Data and knowledge management |
LACODAM, Large Scale Collaborative Data Mining
The research objective is to greatly facilitate the process of making meaning from large amounts of data, either by deriving new knowledge or by making better decisions. Currently, this process is...
D7 - Data and knowledge management |
SHAMAN : A Symbolic and Human-centric view of dAta MANagement
In many application domains (biology, journalism, health, etc.), modern data management applications must allow accessing a large volume of data of varying quality from multiple...
D7 - Data and knowledge management |