Research teams

Teams Résumé Departments
ADOPNET ADOPNET : Advanced Technologies for Operated Networks. D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
CAPSULE CAPSULE: Applied Cryptography and Cryptographic implementation Security CAPSULE’s research activities are organized along four axes, namely symmetric-key cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, security of cryptographic hardware and software... D1 - Secured and large scale systems
COMBO COMBO   Informations à venir D5 - Virtual reality, virtual Humans, Interactions and Robotics
COMPACT CompAct : COMPression of mAssively produCed visual daTa In a context of massively produced and viewed visual data, the main objective of the COMPACT team is to develop data compression and processing algorithms based on strong theoretical... D6 - Signal, Image, Language
DEVINE DEVINE: Dependable distributed systems: Verification made efficient The overall goal of the Devine project-team is to contribute to the design of dependable distributed systems that include quantitative aspects such as time, cost or probabilities... D4 - Language and software engineering
DIVERSE The main objective in DiverSE is to automatically compose and synthesize software diversity from design to runtime to address unpredictable evolutions of software intensive systems. D4 - Language and software engineering
DRUID DRUID : Declarative & Reliable management of Uncertain, user-generated Interlinked Data D7 - Data and knowledge management
DYLISS DYLISS is a bioinformatics team focusing on the identification and characterization of the groups of genetic actors that control the phenotypic response of individuals or species to their environment. D7 - Data and knowledge management
E4SE The aim of the team is to ease development, deployment, evolution and maintenance of pervasive applications in complex environments with a strong focus on smart cities and smart agriculture. D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
EMPENN Our goal is to foster research in medical imaging, neuroinformatics and population cohorts. D6 - Signal, Image, Language
EPICURE EPICURE The frequent announcements of yet another cybersecurity breach show that the security of the software that surrounds us is, more than ever, a scientific challenge of utmost societal importance. More and more software is produced to operate... D4 - Language and software engineering
ERMINE ERMINE : mEasuRing and ManagIng Network operation and Economic Networks are omnipresent and increasingly complex, and require an efficient management of their operations. The  team designs and analyzes procedures and policies for efficiently... D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
EXPRESSION EXPRESSION : Expressiveness in Human Centered Data/Media EXPRESSION focuses on studying human language data conveyed by different media: gesture, speech and text. Such data exhibit an intrinsic complexity characterized by the intrication of... D6 - Signal, Image, Language
GENSCALE GENSCALE : Scalable, Optimized and Parallel Algorithms for Genomics The GenScale team works in close connection with biologist colleagues to propose algorithms and their implementations to process large genomic data generated by DNA sequencing... D7 - Data and knowledge management
GRANIT GRANIT, Green Radio and Adaptive Nodesfor IoT   In the outcoming sober low carbon society, designing low power sensors capable to be autonomous while ubiquitous with negligible energy and carbon footprint is a key challenge designers will have to... D3 - Architecture
HYCOMES HYCOMES, Hybrid Modeling and Contract-Based Design for Multiphysics Embedded Systems Our vision is that hybrid systems modeling tools deserve similar efforts in theory as synchronous languages did for the programming of embedded systems. Scientif... D4 - Language and software engineering
INZU INZU : Opportunistic computing and networking for secure and reliable applications   The research activity of the INZU team is focused on opportunistic networks. These networks are composed of mobile nodes that communicate directly with each other... D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
KERDATA KERDATA : Scalable Storage for Clouds and Beyond KerData is a joint project-team of Inria, ENS Rennes and INSA Rennes and is part of the IRISA lab. The KerData project-team is exploring innovative software architectures and systems for extreme... D1 - Secured and large scale systems
LACODAM LACODAM, Large Scale Collaborative Data Mining The research objective is to greatly facilitate the process of making meaning from large amounts of data, either by deriving new knowledge or by making better decisions. Currently, this process is... D7 - Data and knowledge management
LINKMEDIA Creating and exploiting explicit links between multimedia fragments Linkmedia is concerned with the processing of extremely large collections of multimedia material. The material we refer to are collections of documents that are created by humans... D6 - Signal, Image, Language
LogicA LogicA, Logic and Applications Nowadays, many of our daily activities which were in the past performed in the ‘real’ world and in interaction with other humans, are carried out in a digital world in interaction with non-human ‘agents’: classic... D4 - Language and software engineering
MAGELLAN Magellan: Reliable and Responsible Decentralized Computing Infrastructures The research team Magellan aims to enable the creation of efficient, robust, environment-friendly and rigorously-evaluated decentralized computing infrastructures. It focuses... D1 - Secured and large scale systems
MIMETIC MIMETIC : Analyse-Synthèse d'une approche de simulation humaine virtuelle MimeTIC is a multidisciplinary team interested in better understanding, modeling and simulating human movement. To address this issue, MimeTIC's work is organized in a loop... D5 - Virtual reality, virtual Humans, Interactions and Robotics
OBELIX OBELIX, environment observation with complex imagery D6 - Signal, Image, Language
OCIF OCIF, Communicating Objects for the Future Internet The goal of this project is to define, evaluate and validate protocol architectures related to the Internet of Things, in order to integrate and evolve existing network models. Over the years, the... D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services