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In the press
Sclérose en plaque - Primus RHU

IA leads the charge against multiple sclerosis

May 30 was World Multiple Sclerosis Day, an incurable disease that attacks the nervous system. Artificial intelligence could enable earlier diagnosis, for better effectiveness of treatments to slow its progression. Scientists are working in this direction, including the Empenn team, which is participating in the PRIMUS (Projection in Multiple sclerosis) programme, founded by the University [..]

Join us

Join a major player in the national Artificial Intelligence strategy

Join a major player in the national Artificial Intelligence strategy IRISA is looking for three engineers specialised in AI Au sein de l'IRISA et dans le cadre du Programme National de Recherche en Intelligence Artificielle dont le CNRS est un des pivots en déployant un accompagnement des projets de recherche dans leurs besoins en IA sur tout le territoire, l 'Ingénieur Spécialiste en IA participe [..]

Awards & nominations
Chrsitine Guillemot Légion d'honneur

Congratulations to Christine Guillemot who received the insignia of Officer of the Légion d'honneur

Christine Guillemot, Inria research director and head of the Sirocco research team, was awarded the Légion d'honneur on 22 April. In 2010, Christine Guillemot received the insignia of Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. On 1 January 2021, she was promoted to the rank of officer. On 21 April 2022, she received the insignia of Officer of the Legion of Honour from Michel Cosnard (former CEO of Inria) [..]


Meet our scientists at Laval Virtual Europe

A real meeting place for the major players in virtual and augmented reality: start-ups, investors, large groups, users and suppliers. For 3 days, the whole community will be gathered to discover the latest innovations in immersive technologies.


A search engine capable of detecting information on 20th century reading habits

A search engine capable of detecting information on 20th century reading habits From the 19th century onwards, the massification of reading, the diversification of practices and, more recently, the digital revolution have made the observation of reading motivations and processes a complicated undertaking. The research field of Book Studies has already made it possible to clearly identify who reads [..]


A look back at an observation period for 3rd year secondary school students

As it does every year, IRISA welcomes ninth-grade students for an observation period. Despite the increased use of teleworking at the beginning of 2022, IRISA and the Inria Bretagne Atlantique centre welcomed nine secondary school students to help them discover research and its various professions. A look back at these three days of training at the end of January ... Discovering and explaining [..]


Multiple sclerosis: the PRIMUS hospital-university research programme supported by the State

PRIMUS winner of the 5th call for projects " Recherche hospitalo-universitaire en santé " PRIMUS (Projection in Multiple sclerosis) winner of the 5th call for projects « Recherche hospitalo-universitaire en santé » ( AAP #RHU )*. PRIMUS (Projection in Multiple sclerosis) is a project led by Professor Gilles Edan at the CHU de Rennes , in partnership with the CHU de Nantes and involving 12 other [..]


Artificial intelligence and satellites: observing (to protect) our planet. Conference for the general public

Conference in french only Le conférencier, Sébastien LEFEVRE Sébastien Lefèvre est Professeur des Universités en Informatique à l'Université Bretagne Sud. Au sein du laboratoire IRISA, il a fondé en 2013 l'équipe OBELIX qui mène des travaux en intelligence artificielle pour l'observation de la terre et de l'environnement. Il est aujourd'hui responsable du parcours GeoData Science offert par l'UBS [..]