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Awards & nominations
Logo Gendarmerie nationale avec titre Prix  "Recherche Réflexion et stratégique" de la Gendarmerie

Aïmad BERADY's thesis awarded by the Gendarmerie nationale

Congratulations to Aïmad BERADY whose thesis was awarded the "Jury's Special Prize" at the 2023 National Gendarmerie Prize - Research and strategic thinking For several years now, the Gendarmerie has been awarding prizes for research and strategic thinking , with the aim of highlighting the authors of works and publications on issues of interest to the Gendarmerie Nationale, internal security or [..]

Awards & nominations
Mohamed Sabt (à gauche) et Gwendal Patat (à droite)

Mohamed Sabt and Gwendal Patat join the Firefox Hall of Fame

After the Google Hall of Fame, Mohamed Sabt and Gwendal Patat make their appearance in the Firefox Hall of Fame Congratulations to Mohamed Sabt , Senior Lecturer at the University of Rennes and Gwendal Patat, PhD student at the Université de Rennes, both members of the Spicy research team, who are being inducted into the prestigious Firefox Hall of Fame for their important contribution to web [..]

croquis enseignante près d'un étudiant. Texte: Join us

12 "MCF/PR" positions to be filled

Within the framework of the synchronized recruitment campaign 2023 for junior or senior faculty members, IRISA is a host laboratory for 12 MCF or PR positions , in association with partner training components. Consult the page

Press review

When the press and the media talk about IRISA

When the press and the media talk about IRISA, they talk about artificial intelligence, data sciences, cybersecurity, virtual reality, energy, robotics .... To read or re-read

Awards & nominations

Shadi Ibrahim named ACM Distinguished member

Shadi Ibrahim, an Inria researcher in the Myriads team, was named as “ACM Distinguished member” at the end of december 2022 for outstanding scientific contributions to computing. ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery), World’s Largest Computing Society Honors 2022 Distinguished Members for Ground-Breaking Achievements and Longstanding Participation. ACM has named 67 Distinguished Members [..]

Voeux IRISA 2023 visuel

The members of IRISA wish you a wonderful year 2023!

Awards & nominations

A research team scrutinise cryptographic protocols

(in french only) Plutôt que de réparer incessamment des failles de sécurité une fois qu’elles ont été exploitées par un attaquant, il est possible de réduire ces risques en aidant les cryptographes à les détecter en amont grâce à des outils de vérification de protocoles. C’est l’objet des recherches en cybersécurité d'une équipe de scientifiques* dont les travaux ont été récompensés par un [..]

Awards & nominations
Photo du trophée en plaque

IRISA's Gender Equality and anti-harassment committees receive the Minerva Informatics Equality Award

The Minerva Informatics Equality* prize was awarded on Tuesday, October 25 to IRISA's Gender Equality and anti-harassment committees This prize rewards all the work and actions implemented by these two committees: the Gender Equality Committee created to encourage and support women's careers in computer science research and teaching. And the anti-harassment commmittee(founded after the first one) [..]