

Our expertise in the field of metavers requested by the CNPEN, the National Digital Ethics Steering Committee

At the beginning of 2023, our scientists welcomed the CNPEN - Comité National Pilote d'Ethique du Numérique - to present their research in the field of metavers The CNPEN is the pilot national committee for digital ethics, under the aegis of the CCNE (national consultative committee for ethics). Its role is to enlighten the public debate on the ethical issues of the digital age and to draft [..]


Olivier Commowick passed away

Inria pays tribute to Olivier Commowick, who passed away on 24 December 2022. Olivier Commowick, Inria researcher, defended his thesis in 2007 in the Asclepios project-team at Sophia, then did a post-doc at the Harvard Medical School before joining the Inria centre at the University of Rennes, within VISAGES and then Empenn. On December 24, 2022, Olivier left us at the end of an illness that he [..]

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Join a major player in the national Artificial Intelligence strategy

Join a major player in the national Artificial Intelligence strategy IRISA is looking for three engineers specialised in AI Au sein de l'IRISA et dans le cadre du Programme National de Recherche en Intelligence Artificielle dont le CNRS est un des pivots en déployant un accompagnement des projets de recherche dans leurs besoins en IA sur tout le territoire, l 'Ingénieur Spécialiste en IA participe [..]

croquis enseignante près d'un étudiant. Texte: Join us

13 "MCF/PR" positions to be filled

Within the framework of the synchronized recruitment campaign 2022 for junior or senior faculty members, IRISA is a host laboratory for 13 MCF or PR positions, in association with partner training components. Consult the page

Logo Redocs sur fond de doctorantes et doctorants assis

Back to REDOCS, Rencontre Entreprises DOCtorants en Sécurité

Organised by the GDR Sécurité Informatique , " REDOCS" Rencontre Entreprises DOCtorants en Sécurité offers doctoral students, in their second or third year or recently graduated, the opportunity to confront real problems and meet professionals at the frontiers of IT security research. During the sixth edition, which took place from 25-29 October 2021 in Marseille, three companies ( Airbus, CNIL [..]

Portrait Dominique Lavenier, CNRS - IRISA

Genomic computing on "Processing-in-Memory" architectures

Dominique LAVENIER, CNRS research director at IRISA, explains the basis of this European project focused on the rapid in situ exploitation of genomic data. Read the INS2I article Read the INS2I article (in French)


And one more cybersecurity team!

IRISA joins forces in cybersecurity and creates Spicy And one more cybersecurity team! Spicy, a new cybersecurity research team at IRISA. IRISA has joined forces with Stéphanie Delaune, Gildas Avoine, Barbara Fila, Tristan Allard, Mohamed Sabt, David Baelde and Joseph Lallemand and about fifteen PhD students, engineers, and adjunct members, to create the Spicy cybersecurity research team to [..]

Gildas AVOINE [photo©C.Gaberro] sur fond d'image web Axe Cybersécurité IRISA

Launch of the acceleration strategy to develop cybersecurity, with Gildas Avoine appointed CNRS scientific leader of PEPR

Gildas Avoine, Professor INSA Rennes is appointed CNRS scientific leader of « Programme et équipements prioritaires de recherche » (PEPR). Cybersecurity is a major issue of the 21st century! Cybersecurity is not only a question of national security, but also of the sustainability of business development and the safety of citizens. Stakes, made even more visible during the health crisis and the [..]