It is with great sadness that IRISA announce of the passing of Arnaud Martin
Arnaud Martin was an outstanding professor and researcher in computer science at IRISA, as well as Director of the Lannion IUT.
He joined IUT Lannion as a professor in 2010 and became head of the Computer Science department in 2012. Arnaud Martin holds a postgraduate diploma in probability from the Université de Rennes 1 (1998), a phd in signal processing from the Université de Rennes 1 (2001) and "d'une habilitation à diriger des recherches de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale".
He is particularly committed to promoting computer science research at national and international level, and was elected to Section 27 of the National Universities Council from 2015 to 2019. He was the founding chairman of the
Belief Function and Application Society (BFAS) and president of the Extraction et Gestion de Connaissance (EGC) association. With 3 patents and nearly 250 publications to his credit and some fifteen (co-)supervised theses, his research activities focused mainly on data mining and artificial intelligence via the theory of belief functions. In 2012, he set up the DRUID team at IRISA, which he co-directed for 8 years.
For those who wish to leave a message of condolence, a tribute page has been set up here.