Library FirstGotoAnalysis
Require Import
Utf8 Coqlib
Integers ToString
LatticeSignatures AdomLib
IntSet IntSetDom StridedIntervals
Goto GotoSem GotoString AbGoto GotoAnalysis
Inductive num_domain_index :=
| ND_FinSet
| ND_Debug (i: num_domain_index)
Record correct_num_dom := ND
d : Type;
as_dom: ab_machine_int d;
str: ToString d;
correct: ab_machine_int_correct as_dom
Fixpoint num_dom_of_index (i: num_domain_index) : correct_num_dom :=
match i with
| ND_SSI ⇒ ND strided_interval ssi_dom ssiToString ssi_num_dom_correct
| ND_FinSet ⇒ ND fint_set int_set_dom _ int_set_dom_correct
| ND_Debug i' ⇒
let nd := num_dom_of_index i' in
ND nd.(d) (@debug_ab_machine_int _ nd.(as_dom) nd.(str)) nd.(str) (@debug_ab_machine_int_correct _ _ nd.(correct) _)
Section FirstTry.
Variable idx : num_domain_index.
Variable mem_debug : bool.
Let dDT := num_dom_of_index idx.
Let d : Type := dDT.(d).
Let D : ab_machine_int d := dDT.(as_dom).
Definition string_of_dom : ToString d := dDT.(str).
Let t : Type := (ab_machine_config d)+⊤.
Instance T_toString : ToString t := top_toString _.
Variable max_deref : N.
Variable widen_oracle : int → ab_post_res t d → bool.
Context (P : memory)
(dom: list int).
Let dom_set : int_set := IntSet.of_list dom.
Let T : mem_dom t d :=
let m := ab_machine_config_mem_dom D dom_set in
if mem_debug then debug_mem_dom m
else m.
Definition first_run fuel : (analysis_state t d)+⊤ :=
analysis D T max_deref widen_oracle P dom fuel.
Definition first_validate (E: analysis_state t d) : bool :=
validate_fixpoint D T max_deref P dom (abEnv_of_analysis_state E).
Definition first_compute_cfg (E: analysis_state t d) fuel : option (node_graph d) :=
compute_cfg t d D T E.(result_fs) max_deref fuel.
Definition first_check_safety (E: analysis_state t d) : bool :=
check_safety D T max_deref (abEnv_of_analysis_state E).
Definition first_analysis fuel : option (node_graph d) :=
match first_run fuel with
| Just E ⇒
if first_validate E && first_check_safety E
first_compute_cfg E fuel
else None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition vp_analysis (δ: t → int) fuel : vpresult t d :=
vpAnalysis D T δ max_deref widen_oracle P dom fuel.
Definition vp_validate (δ: t → int) (E: vpstate t d) : bool :=
vp_validate_fixpoint D T δ max_deref P dom (vpAbEnv_of_vpstate E).
Definition vp_compute_cfg (E: vpstate t d) fuel : option (node_graph d) :=
compute_cfg t d D T (fst (forget_vp T (vpAbEnv_of_vpstate E))) max_deref fuel.
Definition vp_compute_cfg2 (δ: t → int) (v: int) (E: vpstate t d) fuel : option (AbCfg2.node_graph d) :=
AbCfg2.compute_cfg t d D T δ E.(vp_run) max_deref fuel v.
Definition vp_check_safety (E: vpstate t d) : bool :=
check_safety D T max_deref (forget_vp T (vpAbEnv_of_vpstate E)).
Definition analysis (δ: t → int) fuel : option (AbCfg2.node_graph d) :=
match vp_analysis δ fuel with
| VP_fix E ⇒
if vp_validate δ E && vp_check_safety E
vp_compute_cfg2 δ (δ (init T P dom)) E fuel
else None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition mem_cell_partition (x: Z) (m: t) : int :=
match (
do_top l <- concretize_with_care _ 1%N (T.(load_single) m (Int.repr x));
match TreeAl.ZTree.elements l with
| (x, tt) :: nil ⇒ Just (Int.repr x)
| _ ⇒ All
| Just res ⇒ res
| All ⇒ Int.repr (-1000)
Definition reg_partition (r: register) (m: t) : int :=
match (
do_top l <- concretize_with_care _ 1%N (var T m r);
match TreeAl.ZTree.elements l with
| (x, tt) :: nil ⇒ Just (Int.repr x)
| _ ⇒ All
| All ⇒ Int.repr (-1)
| Just e ⇒ e
Definition print_run (s: vpstate t d) : unit :=
print (map_to_string string_of_int (map_to_string string_of_int to_string) s.(vp_run)) tt.
Definition print_hlt (s: vpstate t d) : unit :=
print (to_string s.(vp_hlt)) tt.
End FirstTry.
Utf8 Coqlib
Integers ToString
LatticeSignatures AdomLib
IntSet IntSetDom StridedIntervals
Goto GotoSem GotoString AbGoto GotoAnalysis
Inductive num_domain_index :=
| ND_FinSet
| ND_Debug (i: num_domain_index)
Record correct_num_dom := ND
d : Type;
as_dom: ab_machine_int d;
str: ToString d;
correct: ab_machine_int_correct as_dom
Fixpoint num_dom_of_index (i: num_domain_index) : correct_num_dom :=
match i with
| ND_SSI ⇒ ND strided_interval ssi_dom ssiToString ssi_num_dom_correct
| ND_FinSet ⇒ ND fint_set int_set_dom _ int_set_dom_correct
| ND_Debug i' ⇒
let nd := num_dom_of_index i' in
ND nd.(d) (@debug_ab_machine_int _ nd.(as_dom) nd.(str)) nd.(str) (@debug_ab_machine_int_correct _ _ nd.(correct) _)
Section FirstTry.
Variable idx : num_domain_index.
Variable mem_debug : bool.
Let dDT := num_dom_of_index idx.
Let d : Type := dDT.(d).
Let D : ab_machine_int d := dDT.(as_dom).
Definition string_of_dom : ToString d := dDT.(str).
Let t : Type := (ab_machine_config d)+⊤.
Instance T_toString : ToString t := top_toString _.
Variable max_deref : N.
Variable widen_oracle : int → ab_post_res t d → bool.
Context (P : memory)
(dom: list int).
Let dom_set : int_set := IntSet.of_list dom.
Let T : mem_dom t d :=
let m := ab_machine_config_mem_dom D dom_set in
if mem_debug then debug_mem_dom m
else m.
Definition first_run fuel : (analysis_state t d)+⊤ :=
analysis D T max_deref widen_oracle P dom fuel.
Definition first_validate (E: analysis_state t d) : bool :=
validate_fixpoint D T max_deref P dom (abEnv_of_analysis_state E).
Definition first_compute_cfg (E: analysis_state t d) fuel : option (node_graph d) :=
compute_cfg t d D T E.(result_fs) max_deref fuel.
Definition first_check_safety (E: analysis_state t d) : bool :=
check_safety D T max_deref (abEnv_of_analysis_state E).
Definition first_analysis fuel : option (node_graph d) :=
match first_run fuel with
| Just E ⇒
if first_validate E && first_check_safety E
first_compute_cfg E fuel
else None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition vp_analysis (δ: t → int) fuel : vpresult t d :=
vpAnalysis D T δ max_deref widen_oracle P dom fuel.
Definition vp_validate (δ: t → int) (E: vpstate t d) : bool :=
vp_validate_fixpoint D T δ max_deref P dom (vpAbEnv_of_vpstate E).
Definition vp_compute_cfg (E: vpstate t d) fuel : option (node_graph d) :=
compute_cfg t d D T (fst (forget_vp T (vpAbEnv_of_vpstate E))) max_deref fuel.
Definition vp_compute_cfg2 (δ: t → int) (v: int) (E: vpstate t d) fuel : option (AbCfg2.node_graph d) :=
AbCfg2.compute_cfg t d D T δ E.(vp_run) max_deref fuel v.
Definition vp_check_safety (E: vpstate t d) : bool :=
check_safety D T max_deref (forget_vp T (vpAbEnv_of_vpstate E)).
Definition analysis (δ: t → int) fuel : option (AbCfg2.node_graph d) :=
match vp_analysis δ fuel with
| VP_fix E ⇒
if vp_validate δ E && vp_check_safety E
vp_compute_cfg2 δ (δ (init T P dom)) E fuel
else None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition mem_cell_partition (x: Z) (m: t) : int :=
match (
do_top l <- concretize_with_care _ 1%N (T.(load_single) m (Int.repr x));
match TreeAl.ZTree.elements l with
| (x, tt) :: nil ⇒ Just (Int.repr x)
| _ ⇒ All
| Just res ⇒ res
| All ⇒ Int.repr (-1000)
Definition reg_partition (r: register) (m: t) : int :=
match (
do_top l <- concretize_with_care _ 1%N (var T m r);
match TreeAl.ZTree.elements l with
| (x, tt) :: nil ⇒ Just (Int.repr x)
| _ ⇒ All
| All ⇒ Int.repr (-1)
| Just e ⇒ e
Definition print_run (s: vpstate t d) : unit :=
print (map_to_string string_of_int (map_to_string string_of_int to_string) s.(vp_run)) tt.
Definition print_hlt (s: vpstate t d) : unit :=
print (to_string s.(vp_hlt)) tt.
End FirstTry.