Library AdomLib

Require Import
  Utf8 String Bool

Set Implicit Arguments.

Adding a bottom element to an abstract domain

Inductive botlift (A:Type) : Type := Bot | NotBot (x:A).
Implicit Arguments Bot [A].
Notation "t +⊥" := (botlift t) (at level 39).

Definition bot {A: Type} (l: weak_lattice (A +⊥)) : A+⊥ := Bot.

Instance lift_bot_wl {A:Type} (l:weak_lattice A) : weak_lattice (A+⊥) :=
{ leb :=
    (fun x y
      match x, y with
        | Bot, _true
        | NotBot x, NotBot yleb x y
        | _, _false
  top := (NotBot top);
  join :=
    (fun x y
      match x, y with
        | Bot, _y
        |_ , Botx
        | NotBot x, NotBot yNotBot (join x y)
  widen :=
    (fun x y
      match x, y with
        | Bot, _y
        |_ , Botx
        | NotBot x, NotBot yNotBot (widen x y)

Instance lift_gamma (A B: Type) (G: gamma_op A B) : gamma_op (A+⊥) B :=
    (fun x
      match x with
      | Botfun _False
      | NotBot xγ x

Definition lift_bot {A B:Type} WL G (l:adom A B WL G) : adom (A+⊥) B _ _.

Definition botbind {A B} (f: A B+⊥) (a: A+⊥) : B+⊥ :=
  match a with
    | BotBot
    | NotBot xf x

Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (botbind (fun XB) A)
 (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200)
 : botbind_monad_scope.

Notation "'do_bot' X <- A ; B" := (botbind (fun XB) A)
 (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).

Lemma botbind_spec {A A' B B':Type} {GA: gamma_op A A'} {GB: gamma_op B B'} :
   f:AB+⊥, x y, ( a, x γ ay γ (f a)) →
                     ( a, x γ ay γ (botbind f a)).

Definition botbind2 {A B C} (f: A B C+⊥) (a: A+⊥) (b: B+⊥) : C+⊥ :=
  botbind (fun xbotbind (f x) b) a.

Lemma botbind2_spec {A A' B B' C C':Type} {AD:gamma_op A A'} {BD:gamma_op B B'} {CD:gamma_op C C'}:
   f:ABC+⊥, x y z, ( x_ab y_ab, x γ x_aby γ y_abz γ (f x_ab y_ab)) →
                        ( x_ab y_ab, x γ x_aby γ y_abz γ (botbind2 f x_ab y_ab)).

Definition botlift_fun1 {A B:Type} (f:AB) (x:A+⊥) : B+⊥ :=
  botbind (@NotBot _ f) x.

Lemma botlift_fun1_spec {A A' B B':Type} {AD:gamma_op A A'} {BD:gamma_op B B'}:
   f:AB, x y, ( x_ab, x γ x_aby γ (f x_ab)) →
                  ( x_ab, x γ x_aby γ (botlift_fun1 f x_ab)).

Definition botlift_fun2 {A B C:Type} (f:ABC) (a:A+⊥) (b:B+⊥) : C+⊥ :=
  botbind (fun xbotlift_fun1 (f x) b) a.

Lemma botlift_fun2_spec {A A' B B' C C':Type} {AD:gamma_op A A'} {BD:gamma_op B B'} {CD:gamma_op C C'}:
   f:ABC, x y z, ( x_ab y_ab, x γ x_aby γ y_abz γ (f x_ab y_ab)) →
                      ( x_ab y_ab, x γ x_aby γ y_abz γ (botlift_fun2 f x_ab y_ab)).

Instance bot_lift_toString A `{ToString A} : ToString (A+⊥) :=
  { to_string x := match x with
                   | Bot ⇒ "⊥"%string
                   | NotBot x'to_string x'

Lemma union_list_bot A B WL G {AD: adom A B WL G} (z: A) (l: list (A+⊥)) :
  union_list (NotBot z) join l = Bot
   x, List.In x l x = Bot.

Lemma union_list_leb A (bot: A) join l (leb: A A bool) :
  ( x a b, leb x a = true leb x b = true leb x (join a b) = true)
    (l = nil leb x bot = true)
    ( y, List.In y l leb x y = true)
    leb x (union_list bot join l) = true.

Direct product of two abstract domains

Module WProd.
Section lat.
  Context {t1 t2 B: Type}.
  Context WL1 G1 (lat1 : adom t1 B WL1 G1).
  Context WL2 G2 (lat2 : adom t2 B WL2 G2).

  Definition A: Type := (t1×t2)%type.

  Definition leb: AAbool :=
    fun x y
      let (x1,x2) := x in
      let (y1,y2) := y in
        (leb x1 y1
        leb x2 y2)%bool.

  Definition top: A :=
    (top, top).

  Definition join: AAA :=
    fun x y
      let (x1,x2) := x in
      let (y1,y2) := y in
        (join x1 y1,
          join x2 y2).

  Definition widen: AAA :=
    fun x y
      let (x1,x2) := x in
      let (y1,y2) := y in
        (widen x1 y1,
          widen x2 y2).

  Definition gamma: ABProp :=
    fun x
      let (x1,x2) := x in
      γ x1 γ x2.

  Lemma gamma_monotone: a1 a2,
    leb a1 a2 = truegamma a1 gamma a2.

  Lemma gamma_top: x, gamma top x.

  Lemma join_sound: x y, gamma x gamma y gamma (join x y).

  Instance make_wl : weak_lattice A :=
   {leb := leb;
    top := top;
    join := join;
    widen := widen

  Lemma make : adom A B _ gamma.

End lat.
End WProd.

Abstract domain of pairs of concrete elements.

Module WTensor.
Section lat.
  Context {t1 t2 B1 B2: Type}.
  Context WL1 G1 (lat1 : adom t1 B1 WL1 G1).
  Context WL2 G2 (lat2 : adom t2 B2 WL2 G2).

  Definition A: Type := (t1×t2)%type.
  Definition B: Type := (B1×B2)%type.

  Instance gamma : gamma_op A B :=
    fun x y
      let (x1,x2) := x in
      let (y1,y2) := y in
      y1 γ x1 y2 γ x2.

  Lemma gamma_monotone: a1 a2,
    leb a1 a2 = truegamma a1 gamma a2.

  Lemma gamma_top: x, gamma top x.

  Lemma join_sound: x y, gamma x gamma y gamma (join x y).

  Lemma make : adom A B _ gamma.

  Instance toString `{ToString t1} `{ToString t2} : ToString (t1 × t2) :=
    { to_string x := let '(a,b) := x in ("(" ++ to_string a ++ " ⊗ " ++ to_string b ++ ")")%string }.

End lat.
End WTensor.

Exponentiation of an abstract domain to an abstract domain of total environments

Module WPFun (P:TREE).
Module PP := Tree_Properties P.

Section lat.
Context {t0 B: Type}.
Context WL G (lat : adom t0 B WL G).

Definition t := P.t t0.

Definition bot : t+⊥ := Bot.

Definition top : t := (P.empty _).

Definition get (m: t) (r: P.elt) : t0 :=
  match P.get r m with
    | None
    | Some ii

Definition set (m: t) (r: P.elt) (i:t0) : t := P.set r i m.

Definition leb0 (m1 m2:t) : bool :=
  PP.for_all m2 (fun x i2leb (get m1 x) i2).

Lemma leb_le: m1 m2,
  leb0 m1 m2 = true → ( p, (get m1 p) (get m2 p) = true
                                   get m2 p = ).

Definition join : ttt :=
    (fun x y
       match x, y with
         | None, _None
         |_ , NoneNone
         | Some x, Some ySome (join x y)

Definition widen: ttt :=
    (fun x y
       match x, y with
         | None, _None
         |_ , NoneNone
         | Some x, Some ySome (widen x y)

Instance gamma : gamma_op t (P.eltB) :=
  fun m rs
   r, γ (get m r) (rs r).

Lemma gamma_monotone: x y,
  leb0 x y = true
  gamma x gamma y.

  Lemma join_correct : (x y:t) b,
    gamma x b gamma y bgamma (join x y) b.

Instance make_wl : weak_lattice t :=
  { leb := leb0
  ; top := top
  ; join := join
  ; widen := widen

Lemma make : adom t (P.eltB) make_wl gamma.

Lemma gamma_set1 : (app:t) rs ab x,
  γ app rs
  γ ab (rs x) →
  γ (set app x ab) rs.

Lemma gamma_set2 : (app:t) rs ab v x,
  γ app rs
  γ ab v
  γ (set app x ab) (fun pif P.elt_eq p x then v else rs p).

Definition forget (app: t) (r: P.elt) : t := P.remove r app.

Lemma gamma_forget : (app:t) rs rs' x,
  γ app rs
  ( y, xyrs y = rs' y) →
  γ (forget app x) rs'.

Lemma gamma_app: (m: t) (rs: P.eltB),
  γ m rs
   r, γ (get m r) (rs r).

Instance toString `{ToString P.elt} `{ToString t0} : ToString (P.t t0) :=
  (λ x, P.fold (λ s k v, s ++ "["++ to_string k ++ "↦" ++ to_string v ++"]" ) x "{" ++ "}")%string.

End lat.

End WPFun.

Option type.
Inductive toplift (A: Type) := All | Just : A toplift A.
Notation "x +⊤" := (toplift x) (at level 39).

Definition toplift_bind {A B: Type} (f: A B+⊤) (x: A+⊤) : B+⊤ :=
  match x with
  | AllAll
  | Just x'f x'

Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (toplift_bind (fun XB) A)
 (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200)
 : top_monad_scope.

Notation "'do_top' X <- A ; B" := (toplift_bind (fun XB) A)
 (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).

Lemma top_bind_case A B (a: A+⊤) (f: A B+⊤) :
   P : B+⊤ Prop,
    P All
    ( a', a = Just a' P (f a'))
    P (do_top x <- a; f x).

Definition top_lift {A B: Type} (f: A B) : A+⊤ B+⊤ :=
  toplift_bind (fun xJust (f x)).

Definition top_bind2 {A B C: Type} (f: A B C+⊤) (x: A+⊤) (y: B+⊤) : C+⊤ :=
  match x, y with
  | All, _ | _, AllAll
  | Just x', Just y'f x' y'

Definition top_lift2 {A B C: Type} (f: A B C) : A+⊤ B+⊤ C+⊤ :=
  top_bind2 (fun x yJust (f x y)).

Definition top_leb {A: Type} (leb: A A bool) (x y: A+⊤) : bool :=
  match x, y with
  | _, Alltrue
  | All, Just _false
  | Just x', Just y'leb x' y'

Definition flat_top_leb {A} (beq: A A bool) (x y: A+⊤) : bool :=
  match x, y with
  | _, Alltrue
  | All, _false
  | Just x', Just y'beq x' y'

Definition flat_top_join {A} beq (x y: A+⊤) : A +⊤ := if flat_top_leb beq x y then y else All.

Local Instance flat_top_wlat A beq : weak_lattice (A+⊤) :=
  {| leb := flat_top_leb beq
   ; top := All
   ; join := flat_top_join beq
   ; widen := flat_top_join beq

Instance top_toString A `{ToString A} : ToString (A+⊤) :=
  { to_string x := match x with
                   | All ⇒ "⊤"%string
                   | Just yto_string y

Partial order with partial least upper bound.

LocalRecord pre_lattice t :=
  { pl_leb : t t bool
  ; pl_join : t t t+⊤
  ; pl_widen: t t t+⊤
Instance toplift_gamma t B (GAMMA: gamma_op t B) : gamma_op (t+⊤) B :=
  λ x, match x with Allλ _, True | Just yγ y end.

Record pre_lattice_spec t B (PL: pre_lattice t) (GAMMA: gamma_op t B) : Prop :=
  { pl_gamma_monotone: x y : t, pl_leb PL x y = true
                                   b : B, γ x b γ y b
  ; pl_join_sound: x y: t, (γ x γ y) γ (pl_join PL x y)

Instance weak_lattice_of_pre_lattice t (PL: pre_lattice t) : weak_lattice (t+⊤) :=
  let join f x y :=
      match x, y with
      | All, _
      | _, AllAll
      | Just x', Just y'f x' y'
      end in
  {| leb := flat_top_leb (pl_leb PL)
   ; top := All
   ; join := join (pl_join PL)
   ; widen:= join (pl_widen PL)

Lemma adom_of_pre_lattice t B (PL: pre_lattice t) G (PLP: pre_lattice_spec PL G)
  : adom (t+⊤) B (weak_lattice_of_pre_lattice PL) (toplift_gamma G).

Definition flat_pre_lattice T (beq: T T bool ) : pre_lattice T :=
  {| pl_leb := beq
   ; pl_join x y := if beq x y then Just x else All
   ; pl_widen x y := if beq x y then Just x else All

Lemma flat_pre_lattice_correct T B beq (BEQ: x y, beq x y = true x = y)
      (G: gamma_op T B) : pre_lattice_spec (flat_pre_lattice beq) G.

Local Open Scope top_monad_scope.
Definition product_pre_lattice {A B} (PA: pre_lattice A) (PB: pre_lattice B) : pre_lattice (A × B) :=
  {| pl_leb x x' := let '(a,b) := x in let '(a',b') := x' in
                    pl_leb PA a a' && pl_leb PB b b'
   ; pl_join x x' := let '(a,b) := x in let '(a',b') := x' in
                      do α <- pl_join PA a a';
                      do β <- pl_join PB b b';
                      Just (α, β)
   ; pl_widen x x' := let '(a,b) := x in let '(a',b') := x' in
                      do α <- pl_widen PA a a';
                      do β <- pl_widen PB b b';
                      Just (α, β)

Instance pair_gamma {A B Ca Cb} (GA: gamma_op A Ca) (GB: gamma_op B Cb) : gamma_op (A × B) (Ca × Cb) :=
  λ x x', let '(a, b) := x in let '(a', b') := x' in
          a' γ(a) b' γ(b).

Lemma product_pre_lattice_correct {A B Ca Cb} {PA: pre_lattice A} {PB: pre_lattice B} (GA: gamma_op A Ca) (GB: gamma_op B Cb) (HA: pre_lattice_spec PA GA) (HB: pre_lattice_spec PB GB) : pre_lattice_spec (product_pre_lattice PA PB) (pair_gamma GA GB).

Module WPFun2 (T:TREE).
Module P := Tree_Properties T.
Section elt.

  Context (elt B: Type)
          (PL: pre_lattice elt)
          (elt_gamma: gamma_op elt B)
          (PLP: pre_lattice_spec PL elt_gamma).

  Definition t : Type := T.t elt.

  Definition get (p: T.elt) (x: t) : elt+⊤ :=
    match T.get p x with
    | Some rJust r
    | NoneAll

  Definition set (x:t) (p: T.elt) (v: elt+⊤) : t :=
    match v with
    | AllT.remove p x
    | Just v'T.set p v' x

  Lemma gsspec x p v p' :
    get p' (set x p v) = if T.elt_eq p' p then v else get p' x.

  Definition leb : t t bool :=
    λ x y,
    P.for_all y (λ a s, match T.get a x with
                        | Some a'pl_leb PL a' s
                        | Nonefalse

  Lemma leb_le (x y: t) :
    leb x y = true
     p : T.elt, flat_top_leb (pl_leb PL) (get p x) (get p y) = true.

  Lemma leb_refl
        (H: x, pl_leb PL x x = true)
        (x: t) : leb x x = true.

  Definition join f : t t t :=
    T.combine (λ u v, match u, v with
                      | None, _
                      | _, NoneNone
                      | Some u', Some v'
                        match f u' v' with
                        | Just rSome r
                        | AllNone

  Lemma join_monotone f x a b :
    ( u v, pl_leb PL u v = true
            ( w v', f v w = Just v' pl_leb PL u v' = true)
           ( w v', f w v = Just v' pl_leb PL u v' = true))
    leb x a = true leb x b = true
    leb x (join f a b) = true.

  Instance wlat : weak_lattice t :=
    {| leb := leb
     ; top := T.empty _
     ; join := join (pl_join PL)
     ; widen := join (pl_widen PL)

  Instance gamma : gamma_op t (T.elt B) :=
    λ x y, e, y e γ (get e x).

  Lemma gamma_set x a b p v :
    γ x a
    γ v (b p)
    ( q, q p a q = b q)
    γ (set x p v) b.

  Lemma gamma_forget x a b p :
    γ x a
    ( q, q p a q = b q)
    γ (set x p All) b.

  Lemma adom : adom t (T.elt B) wlat gamma.

  Instance toString `{ToString T.elt} `{ToString elt} : ToString (T.t elt) :=
    (λ x, T.fold (λ s k v, s ++ "["++ to_string k ++ "↦" ++ to_string v ++"]" ) x "{" ++ "}")%string.

End elt.

  Opaque get.   Opaque set.
End WPFun2.