Library AbCfg2

Require Import
  Utf8 Containers.Maps String ToString
  Integers Coqlib
  LatticeSignatures AdomLib
  Goto AbGoto GotoAnalysis.

Section CFG.

Variables t d: Type.
Variables (D: ab_machine_int d) (T: mem_dom t d).
Variable δ : t int.

  Definition node : Type := (int × int)%type.

  Definition node_set : Type := Map [ node, unit ].
  Definition node_graph : Type := Map [ node, list (node × option (ab_instruction d)) × bool ].

  Variable E : Map [ int, Map [ int, t ] ].
  Variable max_deref: N.

  Definition ab_post_many' (pp:int) (m:t) : list (ab_post_res t d × option (ab_instruction d)) :=
    match abstract_decode_at D T max_deref pp m with
    | Just instrflat_map (λ k,
                     (λ r, (r, Some (fst k)))
                                       (ab_post_single D T max_deref m pp k)
                             ) instr
    | All(GiveUp t d, None) :: nil

  Definition successors (i: node) : list (node × option (ab_instruction d)) × bool :=
    match (E)[fst i] with
    | None(nil, false)
    | Some ei
      match (ei)[snd i] with
    | None(nil, false)
    | Some mc
      let res := ab_post_many' (fst i) mc in
        (list (node × option (ab_instruction d)) × bool)
        (ab_post_res t d × option (ab_instruction d))
        (fun sf r
           let (s, f) := sf in
           match r with
           | (Run j x, i)(((j, δ x), i)::s, f)
           | (Hlt _, _)(s, true)
           | (GiveUp, _)
               ("CFG.successors: gave up on node " ++ to_string i)%string
             (s, f)
        (nil, false)

  Fixpoint compute_cfg' (fuel: nat) (w: list node) (s: node_set) (g: node_graph)
           { struct fuel }
  : option node_graph :=
    match fuel with
      | ONone
      | S fuel'
        match w with
          | i::w'
            let (succ, f) := successors i in
            let '(edges, w, s) :=
                @List.fold_left (list (node × option (ab_instruction d)) × list node × node_set) _
                  (fun ews j
                     let '(e, w, s) := ews in
                     let e := j :: e in
                     let w := match s [fst j] with
                                | Some ttw
                                | Nonefst j :: w
                              end in
                     let s := s [ fst j <- tt ] in
                     (e, w, s)
                  (nil, w', s)
            compute_cfg' fuel' w s (MapInterface.add i (edges, f) g)
          | nilSome g

  Definition compute_cfg fuel (v: int) : option node_graph :=
    compute_cfg' fuel ((, v) :: nil) ([] [ (, v) <- tt ]) [].

  Definition cfg_fold {A: Type} (f: node list (node × option (ab_instruction d)) × bool A A)
             (g: node_graph) (z: A) : A :=
    MapInterface.fold f g z.

End CFG.