Library Goto

Require Import
  Coqlib Utf8

Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive register := R0 | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7.
Instance register_eq_dec : EqDec register.

Inductive flag := FLE | FLT | FEQ.
Instance flag_eq_dec : EqDec flag.

Definition addr := int.

Inductive instruction :=

| ICst (v:int) (dst:register)
| IBinop (op: int_binary_operation) (src dst: register)
| ICmp (src dst: register)

| ILoad (src dst: register)
| IStore (src dst: register)

| IGoto (tgt: addr)
| IGotoCond (f: flag) (tgt: addr)
| IGotoInd (r: register)
| ISkip
| IHalt (r: register)

Section Encoding.

Definition encode_register (r: register) : Z :=
  match r with
  | R0 ⇒ 0
  | R1 ⇒ 1
  | R2 ⇒ 2
  | R3 ⇒ 3
  | R4 ⇒ 4
  | R5 ⇒ 5
  | R6 ⇒ 6
  | R7 ⇒ 7

Definition decode_register (v: Z) : option register :=
  match v with
  | 0 ⇒ Some R0
  | 1 ⇒ Some R1
  | 2 ⇒ Some R2
  | 3 ⇒ Some R3
  | 4 ⇒ Some R4
  | 5 ⇒ Some R5
  | 6 ⇒ Some R6
  | 7 ⇒ Some R7
  | _None

Definition encode_flag (f: flag) : Z :=
  match f with
  | FLE ⇒ 0
  | FLT ⇒ 1
  | FEQ ⇒ 2

Definition decode_flag (v: Z) : option flag :=
  match v with
  | 0 ⇒ Some FLE
  | 1 ⇒ Some FLT
  | 2 ⇒ Some FEQ
  | _None

Definition encode_binop (op: int_binary_operation) : Z :=
  match op with
  | OpAdd ⇒ 0
  | OpSub ⇒ 1
  | OpMul ⇒ 2
  | OpDivs ⇒ 3
  | OpShl ⇒ 4
  | OpShr ⇒ 5
  | OpShru ⇒ 6
  | OpAnd ⇒ 7
  | OpOr ⇒ 8
  | OpXor ⇒ 9
  | OpCmp _ ⇒ 10
  | OpCmpu _ ⇒ 11
  | OpMods ⇒ 12

Definition decode_binop (v: Z) : option int_binary_operation :=
  match v with
  | 0 ⇒ Some OpAdd
  | 1 ⇒ Some OpSub
  | 2 ⇒ Some OpMul
  | 3 ⇒ Some OpDivs
  | 4 ⇒ Some OpShl
  | 5 ⇒ Some OpShr
  | 6 ⇒ Some OpShru
  | 7 ⇒ Some OpAnd
  | 8 ⇒ Some OpOr
  | 9 ⇒ Some OpXor
  | 12 ⇒ Some OpMods
  | _None

Definition combine_instruction (type arg src dst: Z) : Z :=
    type × two_p 24
  + arg × two_p 16
  + src × two_p 8
  + dst × two_p 0.

Definition encode_Z : Z int := Int.repr.
Definition decode_Z : int Z := Int.unsigned.

Definition split_instruction (v: int) : Z × Z × Z × Z :=
  let v := decode_Z v in
  let (v, dst) := Z.div_eucl v 256 in
  let (v, src) := Z.div_eucl v 256 in
  let (v, arg) := Z.div_eucl v 256 in
  let (v, type) := Z.div_eucl v 256 in
  (type, arg, src, dst).

Local Notation "[ t , a , s , d ]" := (encode_Z (combine_instruction t a s d)).
Local Coercion encode_register : register >-> Z.
Local Coercion encode_flag : flag >-> Z.
Local Coercion encode_binop : int_binary_operation >-> Z.

Definition encode_instr (i: instruction) : list int :=
  match i with
  | ICst v rd[ 9, 0, 0, rd] :: v :: nil
  | IBinop op rs rd[ 8,op, rs, rd] :: nil
  | ICmp rs rd[ 7, 0, rs, rd] :: nil
  | ILoad rs rd[ 6, 0, rs, rd] :: nil
  | IStore rs rd[ 5, 0, rs, rd] :: nil
  | IGoto v[ 4, 0, 0, 0] :: v :: nil
  | IGotoCond f v[ 3, f, 0, 0] :: v :: nil
  | IGotoInd rs[ 2, 0, rs, 0] :: nil
  | ISkip[ 1, 0, 0, 0] :: nil
  | IHalt rs[ 0, 0, rs, 0] :: nil

Notation "p +1" := (Int.add p (at level 39).

Definition decode_from (m: int int) (base: int) : option (instruction × nat) :=
  match split_instruction (m base) with
  | (0, 0, src, 0)do_opt rs <- decode_register src; Some (IHalt rs, 1%nat)
  | (1, 0, 0, 0)Some (ISkip, 1%nat)
  | (2, 0, src, 0)do_opt rs <- decode_register src; Some (IGotoInd rs, 1%nat)
  | (3, flg, 0, 0)do_opt f <- decode_flag flg;
                      Some (IGotoCond f (m (base+1)), 2%nat)
  | (4, 0, 0, 0)Some (IGoto (m (base+1)), 2%nat)
  | (5, 0, src, dst)do_opt rs <- decode_register src;
                        do_opt rd <- decode_register dst;
                        Some (IStore rs rd, 1%nat)
  | (6, 0, src, dst)do_opt rs <- decode_register src;
                        do_opt rd <- decode_register dst;
                        Some (ILoad rs rd, 1%nat)
  | (7, 0, src, dst)do_opt rs <- decode_register src;
                        do_opt rd <- decode_register dst;
                        Some (ICmp rs rd, 1%nat)
  | (8, o, src, dst)do_opt op <- decode_binop o;
                        do_opt rs <- decode_register src;
                        do_opt rd <- decode_register dst;
                        Some (IBinop op rs rd, 1%nat)
  | (9, 0, 0, dst)do_opt rd <- decode_register dst;
                      Some (ICst (m (base+1)) rd, 2%nat)
  | _None

Definition decode_instr (e: list int) : option (instruction × nat) :=
  decode_from (λ n, nth (Zabs_nat (Int.unsigned n)) e

Lemma unit_test0 :
  decode_instr (encode_instr ISkip) = Some (ISkip, 1%nat).

Lemma unit_test1 :
  decode_instr (encode_instr (IHalt R4)) = Some (IHalt R4, 1%nat).

Lemma unit_test2 :
  decode_instr (encode_instr (ICst (Int.repr 64) R7)) = Some (ICst (Int.repr 64) R7, 2%nat).

Lemma unit_test3 :
  decode_instr (encode_instr (IBinop OpMul R2 R5)) = Some (IBinop OpMul R2 R5, 1%nat).

Lemma unit_test4 :
  decode_instr (encode_instr (IGotoCond FLT (Int.repr 127))) = Some (IGotoCond FLT (Int.repr 127), 2%nat).

End Encoding.