Library AbMachineNonrel
Require Import
Coqlib Utf8
Integers DLib
IntervalDomain AdomLib.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Coqlib Utf8
Integers DLib
IntervalDomain AdomLib.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Numerical operations available on numerical domains.
Inductive int_unary_operation :=
| OpNeg | OpNot.
Inductive int_binary_operation :=
| OpAdd | OpSub | OpMul | OpDivs | OpMods | OpShl | OpShr | OpShru
| OpAnd | OpOr | OpXor
| OpCmp (c: comparison) | OpCmpu (c: comparison).
Definition eval_int_unop op : int → int :=
match op with
| OpNeg ⇒ Int.neg
| OpNot ⇒ Int.not
Definition eval_int_binop op : int → int → int :=
match op with
| OpAdd ⇒ Int.add
| OpSub ⇒ Int.sub
| OpMul ⇒ Int.mul
| OpDivs ⇒ Int.divs
| OpMods ⇒ Int.mods
| OpShl ⇒ Int.shl
| OpShr ⇒ Int.shr
| OpShru ⇒ Int.shru
| OpAnd ⇒ Int.and
| OpOr ⇒ Int.or
| OpXor ⇒ Int.xor
| OpCmp c ⇒ fun x y ⇒ Interval.of_bool (Int.cmp c x y)
| OpCmpu c ⇒ fun x y ⇒ Interval.of_bool (Int.cmpu c x y)
| OpNeg | OpNot.
Inductive int_binary_operation :=
| OpAdd | OpSub | OpMul | OpDivs | OpMods | OpShl | OpShr | OpShru
| OpAnd | OpOr | OpXor
| OpCmp (c: comparison) | OpCmpu (c: comparison).
Definition eval_int_unop op : int → int :=
match op with
| OpNeg ⇒ Int.neg
| OpNot ⇒ Int.not
Definition eval_int_binop op : int → int → int :=
match op with
| OpAdd ⇒ Int.add
| OpSub ⇒ Int.sub
| OpMul ⇒ Int.mul
| OpDivs ⇒ Int.divs
| OpMods ⇒ Int.mods
| OpShl ⇒ Int.shl
| OpShr ⇒ Int.shr
| OpShru ⇒ Int.shru
| OpAnd ⇒ Int.and
| OpOr ⇒ Int.or
| OpXor ⇒ Int.xor
| OpCmp c ⇒ fun x y ⇒ Interval.of_bool (Int.cmp c x y)
| OpCmpu c ⇒ fun x y ⇒ Interval.of_bool (Int.cmpu c x y)
Specifications of the numerical operations on sets of concrete values.
Definition lift_unop {T U:Type} (op: T → U) (A: 𝒫 T) : 𝒫 U :=
fun i ⇒ ∃ j, A j ∧ i = (op j).
Definition Eval_int_unop (op: int_unary_operation) : 𝒫 int → 𝒫 int :=
lift_unop (eval_int_unop op).
Definition lift_binop {T U:Type} (op: T → T → U) (A B: 𝒫 T) : 𝒫 U :=
fun i ⇒ ∃ a, ∃ b, A a ∧ B b ∧ i = (op a b).
Definition Eval_int_binop (op: int_binary_operation) : 𝒫 int → 𝒫 int → 𝒫 int :=
lift_binop (eval_int_binop op).
fun i ⇒ ∃ j, A j ∧ i = (op j).
Definition Eval_int_unop (op: int_unary_operation) : 𝒫 int → 𝒫 int :=
lift_unop (eval_int_unop op).
Definition lift_binop {T U:Type} (op: T → T → U) (A B: 𝒫 T) : 𝒫 U :=
fun i ⇒ ∃ a, ∃ b, A a ∧ B b ∧ i = (op a b).
Definition Eval_int_binop (op: int_binary_operation) : 𝒫 int → 𝒫 int → 𝒫 int :=
lift_binop (eval_int_binop op).
Signature of an abstract non relationnal numerical domain on machine numbers.
Class ab_machine_int (t_int:Type) : Type :=
{ as_int_wl :> weak_lattice t_int
; as_int_gamma :> gamma_op t_int int
; as_int_adom :> adom t_int int as_int_wl as_int_gamma
; size: t_int → N+⊤
; concretize: t_int → fint_set
; meet_int: t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥
; const_int: int → t_int
; booleans: t_int
; range_int: t_int → signedness →⊥
; forward_int_unop: int_unary_operation → t_int → t_int+⊥
; forward_int_binop: int_binary_operation → t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥
; is_in_itv: int → int → t_int → bool
; backward_int_unop: int_unary_operation → t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥
; backward_int_binop: int_binary_operation → t_int → t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥ × t_int+⊥
{ as_int_wl :> weak_lattice t_int
; as_int_gamma :> gamma_op t_int int
; as_int_adom :> adom t_int int as_int_wl as_int_gamma
; size: t_int → N+⊤
; concretize: t_int → fint_set
; meet_int: t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥
; const_int: int → t_int
; booleans: t_int
; range_int: t_int → signedness →⊥
; forward_int_unop: int_unary_operation → t_int → t_int+⊥
; forward_int_binop: int_binary_operation → t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥
; is_in_itv: int → int → t_int → bool
; backward_int_unop: int_unary_operation → t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥
; backward_int_binop: int_binary_operation → t_int → t_int → t_int → t_int+⊥ × t_int+⊥
Specification of an abstract numerical domain.
Class ab_machine_int_correct t_int (D: ab_machine_int t_int) : Prop :=
{ meet_int_correct: ∀ (x:t_int) y, (γ x) ∩ (γ y) ⊆ γ (meet_int x y)
; concretize_correct: ∀ (x:t_int), γ x ⊆ γ (concretize x)
; const_int_correct: ∀ n: int, γ (const_int n:t_int) n
; booleans_correct0: γ (booleans:t_int)
; booleans_correct1: γ (booleans:t_int)
; range_int_correct: ∀ x:t_int, γ x ⊆ ints_in_range (range_int x)
; forward_int_unop_sound: ∀ op (x:t_int), Eval_int_unop op (γ x) ⊆ γ (forward_int_unop op x)
; forward_int_binop_sound: ∀ op (x y:t_int), Eval_int_binop op (γ x) (γ y) ⊆ γ (forward_int_binop op x y)
; is_in_itv_correct (m M:int) : ∀ x: t_int, is_in_itv m M x = true →
∀ i, γ x i → M i = false ∧ i m = false
; backward_int_unop_sound:
∀ op (x y:t_int) i, γ x i → γ y (eval_int_unop op i) → γ (backward_int_unop op x y) i
; backward_int_binop_sound: ∀ op (x y:t_int) z, ∀ i j : int,
γ x i → γ y j → γ z (eval_int_binop op i j) →
let '(u,v) := backward_int_binop op x y z in
γ u i ∧ γ v j
Class reduction A B : Type := ρ: A+⊥ → B+⊥ → (A × B)+⊥.
Definition reduction_correct A B t WLA GA (Ha:adom A t WLA GA) WLB GB (Hb:adom B t WLB GB) `{reduction A B} : Prop :=
∀ (a : A+⊥) (b : B+⊥),
γ a ∩ γ b ⊆
match ρ a b with
| Bot ⇒ ∅
| NotBot (u,v) ⇒ γ u ∩ γ v
{ meet_int_correct: ∀ (x:t_int) y, (γ x) ∩ (γ y) ⊆ γ (meet_int x y)
; concretize_correct: ∀ (x:t_int), γ x ⊆ γ (concretize x)
; const_int_correct: ∀ n: int, γ (const_int n:t_int) n
; booleans_correct0: γ (booleans:t_int)
; booleans_correct1: γ (booleans:t_int)
; range_int_correct: ∀ x:t_int, γ x ⊆ ints_in_range (range_int x)
; forward_int_unop_sound: ∀ op (x:t_int), Eval_int_unop op (γ x) ⊆ γ (forward_int_unop op x)
; forward_int_binop_sound: ∀ op (x y:t_int), Eval_int_binop op (γ x) (γ y) ⊆ γ (forward_int_binop op x y)
; is_in_itv_correct (m M:int) : ∀ x: t_int, is_in_itv m M x = true →
∀ i, γ x i → M i = false ∧ i m = false
; backward_int_unop_sound:
∀ op (x y:t_int) i, γ x i → γ y (eval_int_unop op i) → γ (backward_int_unop op x y) i
; backward_int_binop_sound: ∀ op (x y:t_int) z, ∀ i j : int,
γ x i → γ y j → γ z (eval_int_binop op i j) →
let '(u,v) := backward_int_binop op x y z in
γ u i ∧ γ v j
Class reduction A B : Type := ρ: A+⊥ → B+⊥ → (A × B)+⊥.
Definition reduction_correct A B t WLA GA (Ha:adom A t WLA GA) WLB GB (Hb:adom B t WLB GB) `{reduction A B} : Prop :=
∀ (a : A+⊥) (b : B+⊥),
γ a ∩ γ b ⊆
match ρ a b with
| Bot ⇒ ∅
| NotBot (u,v) ⇒ γ u ∩ γ v
Reduced product of two abstract numerical domains.
Definition red_prod_unop {A B C D} ρ (opa: A → B+⊥) (opb: C → D+⊥) : A×C → (B×D)+⊥ :=
fun x ⇒ match x with (a,b) ⇒ ρ (opa a) (opb b) end.
Definition red_prod_binop {A B C D} ρ (opa: A → A → B+⊥) (opb: C → C → D+⊥)
: (A×C) → (A×C) → (B×D)+⊥ :=
fun x y ⇒ match x,y with (a,b), (c,d) ⇒
ρ (opa a c) (opb b d)
Definition red_prod_backop_un {A B C D} ρ (opa: A → B → A+⊥) (opb: C → D → C+⊥)
: (A×C) → (B×D) → (A×C)+⊥ :=
fun x y ⇒ match x,y with
| (a,b), (c,d) ⇒
let a' := opa a c in
let b' := opb b d in
(ρ a' b')
Definition red_prod_backop_bin {A B C D} ρ (opa: A → A → B → A+⊥ × A+⊥) (opb: C → C → D → C+⊥ × C+⊥)
: (A×C) → (A×C) → (B×D) → (A×C)+⊥ × (A×C)+⊥ :=
fun x y z ⇒ match x,y,z with
| (a,b), (c,d), (e,f) ⇒
let '(a',c') := opa a c e in
let '(b',d') := opb b d f in
(ρ a' b', ρ c' d')
Instance reduced_product_int A_int B_int {Da:ab_machine_int A_int} {Db:ab_machine_int B_int}
(Ρ_int: reduction A_int B_int)
: ab_machine_int (A_int×B_int) :=
{| as_int_wl := WProd.make_wl as_int_wl as_int_wl
; as_int_gamma := WProd.gamma as_int_gamma as_int_gamma
; as_int_adom := WProd.make as_int_adom as_int_adom
; size x := match size (fst x), size (snd x) with All, a | a, All ⇒ a | Just a, Just b ⇒ Just (N.min a b) end
; concretize x := match fs_meet (concretize (fst x)) (concretize (snd x)) with NotBot m ⇒ m | Bot ⇒ fempty end
; meet_int x y := ρ (meet_int (fst x) (fst y)) (meet_int (snd x) (snd y))
; const_int n := (const_int n, const_int n)
; booleans := (booleans, booleans)
; range_int x s :=' (range_int (fst x) s) (range_int (snd x) s)
; forward_int_unop op := red_prod_unop ρ (forward_int_unop op) (forward_int_unop op)
; forward_int_binop op := red_prod_binop ρ (forward_int_binop op) (forward_int_binop op)
; is_in_itv m M x := let '(a,b) := x in is_in_itv m M a || is_in_itv m M b
; backward_int_unop op := red_prod_backop_un ρ (backward_int_unop op) (backward_int_unop op)
; backward_int_binop op := red_prod_backop_bin ρ (backward_int_binop op) (backward_int_binop op)
fun x ⇒ match x with (a,b) ⇒ ρ (opa a) (opb b) end.
Definition red_prod_binop {A B C D} ρ (opa: A → A → B+⊥) (opb: C → C → D+⊥)
: (A×C) → (A×C) → (B×D)+⊥ :=
fun x y ⇒ match x,y with (a,b), (c,d) ⇒
ρ (opa a c) (opb b d)
Definition red_prod_backop_un {A B C D} ρ (opa: A → B → A+⊥) (opb: C → D → C+⊥)
: (A×C) → (B×D) → (A×C)+⊥ :=
fun x y ⇒ match x,y with
| (a,b), (c,d) ⇒
let a' := opa a c in
let b' := opb b d in
(ρ a' b')
Definition red_prod_backop_bin {A B C D} ρ (opa: A → A → B → A+⊥ × A+⊥) (opb: C → C → D → C+⊥ × C+⊥)
: (A×C) → (A×C) → (B×D) → (A×C)+⊥ × (A×C)+⊥ :=
fun x y z ⇒ match x,y,z with
| (a,b), (c,d), (e,f) ⇒
let '(a',c') := opa a c e in
let '(b',d') := opb b d f in
(ρ a' b', ρ c' d')
Instance reduced_product_int A_int B_int {Da:ab_machine_int A_int} {Db:ab_machine_int B_int}
(Ρ_int: reduction A_int B_int)
: ab_machine_int (A_int×B_int) :=
{| as_int_wl := WProd.make_wl as_int_wl as_int_wl
; as_int_gamma := WProd.gamma as_int_gamma as_int_gamma
; as_int_adom := WProd.make as_int_adom as_int_adom
; size x := match size (fst x), size (snd x) with All, a | a, All ⇒ a | Just a, Just b ⇒ Just (N.min a b) end
; concretize x := match fs_meet (concretize (fst x)) (concretize (snd x)) with NotBot m ⇒ m | Bot ⇒ fempty end
; meet_int x y := ρ (meet_int (fst x) (fst y)) (meet_int (snd x) (snd y))
; const_int n := (const_int n, const_int n)
; booleans := (booleans, booleans)
; range_int x s :=' (range_int (fst x) s) (range_int (snd x) s)
; forward_int_unop op := red_prod_unop ρ (forward_int_unop op) (forward_int_unop op)
; forward_int_binop op := red_prod_binop ρ (forward_int_binop op) (forward_int_binop op)
; is_in_itv m M x := let '(a,b) := x in is_in_itv m M a || is_in_itv m M b
; backward_int_unop op := red_prod_backop_un ρ (backward_int_unop op) (backward_int_unop op)
; backward_int_binop op := red_prod_backop_bin ρ (backward_int_binop op) (backward_int_binop op)
This reducted product yields a correct abstract numerical domain.
Lemma reduced_product_int_correct A_int B_int
`{Da:ab_machine_int A_int} `{Db:ab_machine_int B_int}
(Das: ab_machine_int_correct Da) (Dbs: ab_machine_int_correct Db)
(Ρ_int: reduction A_int B_int) (Ρs_int: reduction_correct (@as_int_adom _ Da) (@as_int_adom _ Db))
: ab_machine_int_correct (reduced_product_int A_int B_int Ρ_int).
`{Da:ab_machine_int A_int} `{Db:ab_machine_int B_int}
(Das: ab_machine_int_correct Da) (Dbs: ab_machine_int_correct Db)
(Ρ_int: reduction A_int B_int) (Ρs_int: reduction_correct (@as_int_adom _ Da) (@as_int_adom _ Db))
: ab_machine_int_correct (reduced_product_int A_int B_int Ρ_int).