Last Demonstrations
May 2016:
Quality-driven ultrasound-based visual servoing
(ICRA'15, ICRA'16)
May 2016:
Visual servoing for ultrasound-guided needle insertion
(ICRA'13, ICRA'15)
October 2012:
Mutual information based visual servoing
(IEEE T-RO 2011, ICRA 2011)
October 2012:
Mutual information based tracking
(IEEE IP 2012, ISMAR 2010)
March 2010:
Visual navigation
December 2009:
A redundancy-based iterative approach for avoiding joint limits
December 2009:
Vimanco: European Space Agency ITT project (2006-2008)
March 2009:
Visual servoing from 2D ultrasound using image moments
February 2009:
Pose estimation with stereo catadioptric camera
January 2009:
Rigid motion compensation in ultrasound using speckle information
January 2008:
Photometric visual servoing
Visual servoing
Visual servoing
Mutual information based visual servoing
(IEEE T-RO 2011, ICRA 2011)
A redundancy-based iterative approach for avoiding joint limits
(IEEE TRO 2001)
Visual servoing from a special soccer ball with a fisheye camera
Visual servoing from a special compound of features
Photometric visual servoing
(ICRA'07, ICRA'08, CVPR'08)
Tasks sequencing: Application to a humanoid robot catching a ball while walking
Visual servoing from a spherical ball with a paracatadioptric camera
Positioning a coarse calibrated camera with respect to an unknown object by 2D 1/2 visual servoing
Robot motion in dynamic environments: Avoiding occlusions
Target tracking using motion-based visual servoing
Positioning a camera parallel to an unmarked plane
Control of a camera by the glance
Visual navigation
Mutual information based visual servoing
(IEEE T-RO 2011, ICRA 2011)
Visual navigation
Visual servoing of a mobile robot from a target point with a catadioptric camera
Position-based and image-based visual servoing for following paths with nonholonomic mobile robots
(IROS'08 and ICARCV'08)
Active vision
Visual servoing based on dynamic vision
Medical Robotics
Hybrid control of needle insertion using visual servoing
(ICRA'16, IROS'16)
Quality-driven ultrasound-based visual servoing
(ICRA'15, ICRA'16)
Visual servoing for ultrasound-guided needle insertion
(ICRA'13, ICRA'15)
Visual servoing from 2D ultrasound using intensity features
(ICRA'11, MICCAI'11, IROS'11)
Multi-plane approach for moments based ultrasound visual servoing
Visual servoing from 2D ultrasound using image moments
(MICCAI'08 and ICRA'09)
Rigid motion compensation in ultrasound using speckle information
(ICRA'07 and MICCAI'07)
Robotized 3D ultrasound imaging
(IROS'05 and ICRA'06)
Computer Vision, Object tracking
Point tracking
Robust and real-time tracking of points of interest
Model-based tracking
Vimanco: European Space Agency ITT project (2006-2008)
(Advanced Robotics 2009)
Pose estimation with stereo catadioptric camera
Tracking by fitting 3D Models on Central Catadioptric Images
Robust model-based stereo tracking
(IROS'07, ASTRA'06)
Robust model-based tracking for visual servoing application
Real-time 3D localisation and tracking using virtual visual servoing
(only videos)
Motion and model-based tracking
Mutual information based visual servoing
(IEEE T-RO 2011, ICRA 2011)
Robust visual tracking : coupling 2D motion and 3D pose estimation
Real time augmented reality
Virtual visual servoing
(Eurographics 2002)
Robust model-based tracking
Model-free augmented reality by virtual visual servoing
Real-time 3D localisation and tracking using virtual visual servoing
(only videos)
Image-based virtual camera motion strategies : visual servoing and computer animation
(Visual Computer 2002)
Robot Control
Visual Control of Simulated Robots in V-REP via Matlab/Simulink and ROS
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