Stroboscopic averaging
method for the NLS and Gross-Pitaevskii equation (mainly
developed by Yong Zhang), see corresponding publication
``Solving highly-oscillatory NLS with SAM: numerical efficiency
and long-time behavior". All codes are written in Fortran 90 and
should be compiled with
Intel compiler (ifort).
1D, Fourier :
main.f90 makefile
1D, Hermite :
gradient.f90 heinit.f
hetrfm1.f initial.f90
main.f90 makefile
2D, Fourier :
main.f90 makefile
2D, Hermite :
split.f90 dgemv.f
initial.f90 main.f90
makefile splib.f
Splitting methods with
complex coefficients for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
Matlab code by Blanes, Casas, Chartier and Murua:
Pseudo-symplectic methods
Methods for
differential-algebraic systems of index 2
- dr_andrew:
Driver for Andrew's problem
- dr_cercle:
Driver for a test problem with known exact solution
- dr_pendulum:
Driver for the pendulum problem
- dr_DPcontrol:
Driver for the discharge pressure control problem
- decsol:
Linear algebra routines, used by DC_DECSOL
- dc_decsol:
Subroutines for the decomposition and backsubstitution of
linear systems
- lapack:
Linear algebra routines, used by DC_LAPACK
- lapackc:
Linear algebra routines for complex arithmetic, used by
- dc_lapack:
Subroutines for the decomposition and backsubstitution of
linear systems
- radau5m.f:
Main subroutine (this is a modification of RADAU5
developed by E.
Hairer and G.
Wanner from the University
of Geneva)
- vecteurw:
Subroutine defining the new weights for the algebraic
Order condition and
Hopf-algebra functions (coproduct and antipode) for Butcher
trees (softwares written by G. Vilmart)
- Ordercond.exe
: Generates in a latex file called "ordercond" the order
conditions up to any integer n
- HopfTree.exe
: Given a tree t, generates in a latex file called "result"
the functions : order, gamma, elementary differential,
coproduct, antipode
- draw.tex
: Latex file generating the ouput of the two softwares
- arbres.tex
: macros needed by draw.tex