Short bio

I received the engineering degree from École Centrale Paris in 1989, and my Ph.D. degree from University of Rennes in 1993. After one year as an Inria postdoc in the Departement of Applied Mathematics at Auckland University (New-Zealand) in John Butcher's group, I was appointed at Inria in 1994 as a full time researcher (CR). I then received my Habilitation Diploma in Mathematics from University of Rennes in 2001. In 2003, I became senior researcher at Inria, and in 2005, I became the team leader of the IPSO group until the end of 2017. I'm a member of the team Mingus and I acted as the scientific vice-deputy of INRIA research center in Rennes (CRIRBA) from 2015 to 2018.  I'm a member of the Editorial Board of M2AN (Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis). Since march 2018, I'm involved in a collaboration with the startup RAVEL TECH on fully homomorphic encryption.


INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique 

IRMAR, University or Rennes 1

Campus de Beaulieu
35042 RENNES Cedex

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Phone ENS: +33 2 99 05 94 22
Phone IRMAR: +33 02 23 23 58 36
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Office : F 201