subroutine hetrfm1(n,x,y,a,grw,iop) ****************************************** * 1-D transform in Serie of Hermite FUNCTIONS ! * Input: a,grw: output from heinit.f * iop=1: spectral to physics * iop=0: physics to spectral * x: sequence to be transformed * Output: y: transformed sequence ***************************************** implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(n),y(n),a(n,0:n-1),grw(n) if (iop.eq.0) then do j=1,n x(j)=x(j)*grw(j) enddo call dgemv('t',n,n,1.d0,a,n,x,1,0.d0,y,1) else call dgemv('n',n,n,1.d0,a,n,x,1,0.d0,y,1) endif return end