Head of team
Pierre-Alain FOUQUE (Professor, Université Rennes 1)

CAPSULE: Applied Cryptography and Cryptographic implementation Security

CAPSULE’s research activities are organized along four axes, namely symmetric-key cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, security of cryptographic hardware and software implementations, and the real-world cryptographic systems.

Research themes

  • Design and analysis of ciphers: lightweight block ciphers, authenticated encryption schemes, etc ;
  • Lattice-based cryptography, security proofs and advanced constructions, deployment of post-quantum standards ;
  • Security of cryptographic implementations: side-channel attacks, micro-architectural attacks and countermeasures ;
  • Design and analysis of real-world cryptographic systems such as WhatsApp and Signal secure messaging or database security with Searchable Symmetric Encryption Schemes.










Creation date
Reporting institution
Université de Rennes 1, CNRS, Inria
Rennes (35)
Activity reports
Attachment Size
CAPSULE-RA-2023.pdf 544.08 KB
CAPSULE-RA-2021.pdf 617.61 KB
Continuation team