IRISA research teams will once again participate in this year's Fête de la Science
The Empenn research team
The ambition of Empenn is to establish a multidisciplinary team bringing together researchers in information sciences and medicine. Our medium- and long-term objective is to introduce our basic research to clinical practice, while maintaining the excellence of our methodological research.
Scientists from the Empenn team will take part in the "speed-searching" game on 14 October from 9am to 12pm at the Espace des Sciences in Rennes
- For classes from 4th to "terminale"
- 14 October from 9am to 12pm
- at the Champs Libres in Rennes during the Village des Sciences, in a dedicated area
DYLISS and GENSCALE research teams
DYLISS research team is a bioinformatics team focusing on the identification and characterization of the groups of genetic actors that control the phenotypic response of individuals or species to their environment.
GenScale research team works in close connection with biologist colleagues to propose algorithms and their implementations to process large genomic data generated by DNA sequencing technologies.
- 13 October, 8pm, at the Diapason, Beaulieu campus
- Registration required
Virtus research team
The main objective of the VirtUs research team is to create and simulate immersive populated virtual scenes, where virtual and real humans coexist, with a sufficient level of realism so that the virtual experience and its results can be transposed to reality.
Scientists from the VirtUs team will present with the University of Rennes 1, the European CrowdDNA project, coordinated by Inria.
- at the Champs Libres in Rennes during the Village des Sciences
- on the Inria stand, with the University of Rennes 1
- Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October from 2pm to 7pm, then Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 October from 9am to 7pm