On Wednesday 10 November, some fifty secondary school teachers were welcomed to a special teachers' session entitled "J'peux pas, j'ai informatique" (I can't, I've got IT) at the Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique centre and at IRISA.
Around fifty teachers of mathematics, technology, the SNT option and even English, from secondary schools and high schools in Rennes, Pontivy, Vannes and elsewhere in the Brittany region, attended the training course offered by IRISA and Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, in partnership with the rectorat and the Femmes & Sciences association.
Why organise a special teachers' session « J’peux pas, j’ai informatique » ?
Since 2018, the Commission Égalité Femmes-Hommes has been welcoming more than 150 secondary school students every year during a "J'peux pas j'ai informatique" day to make them aware of the great diversity of the digital sciences. But this year, in partnership with the Rectorat and the Femmes & Sciences association, IRISA and Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique also offered this training to teachers, so that each one of them can take ownership of the training and the workshops and duplicate them within their own school.
"The idea is that teachers leave the day with the content they need to run workshops on these themes in their respective classes," explains Anne-Cecile Orgerie, a member of the organising team. "This means that potentially many more pupils could be sensitised each year".
During the day, participants were able to discover the issues surrounding stereotypes in the digital world, attend demonstrations of research teams' work, and also take part in three workshops:
- portraits: on famous computer scientists who are not necessarily geeks
- unplugged computing: on key notions of computing without a computer
- databases: on stereotypes and the diversity of profiles and fields of computing other than video games.
What's next? The organisation of a new session for secondary school students. "We haven't set a date yet," says Anne-Cécile, "but probably in April or May 2022.