A new best paper in the PACAP research team

Submitted on 29/08/2024

Hugo Reymond présentant l'article qui a obtenu le best paper award

Congratulations to Hugo Reymond, Inria phd student in the Pacap research team, who has just received the best paper award at the RTCSA international conference, held from August 21 to 23 in Sokcho (South Korea).

for his article EarlyBird: energy belongs to those who wake up early”,
co-written with Jean-Luc Béchennec, Mikaël Briday, Sébastien Faucou, Isabelle Puaut, Erven Rohou

In this article, the authors present work on the calculation of a voltage threshold adapted to the computational load for the supply of battery-free sensors powered by ambient energy.
This work was carried out jointly by members of the PACAP team and members of the LS2N STR team. The project was funded by the Cominlabs NOP project.