Congratulations to Gwendal Patat, winner of the 2nd Fondation Université de Rennes dissertation prize

Submitted on 17/06/2024
Gwendal Patat sitting at his desk
Gwendal Patat sitting at his desk

Congratulations to Gwendal Patat, winner of the 2nd Fondation Université de Rennes Dissertation Prize.

On Friday 14 June, the Fondation Université de Rennes awarded its Thesis Prizes. Congratulations to Gwendal Patat, who completed his thesis in the Spicy research team (formerly EMSEC).

(Popularised summary of Gwendal Patat's thesis)
Streaming services such as Netflix use DRM software pre-installed on our devices to protect their content against piracy. Most of this software is proprietary and closed, relying on secrecy to ensure its security. My thesis analyses the market-leading Widevine DRM, developed by Google, to understand its internal mechanics and explore its implications for security and user privacy.

Thesis supervisors: Pierre-Alain FOUQUE and Mohamed SABT

The purpose of the Fondation Université de Rennes "Progresser, Innover, Entreprendre" is to bring the University of Rennes closer to businesses in order to promote innovation and socio-economic development. Each year, it awards a 1st prize and a 2nd prize for theses in each of the University of Rennes' research sectors for work with the greatest potential for innovation and/or technology transfer.