At a time when digital technology is becoming ubiquitous, IRISA, as an expert, responds to its mission of scientific mediation with the goal of promoting and popularizing digital science and technology to the general public.
The laboratory thus promotes and contributes to many actions aimed at raising awareness of our research fields, particularly by focusing on raising awareness of the young public, i.e. middle and high schools students, paying particular attention to gender diversity.
- promoting the dissemination of knowledge and providing understanding and access to digital issues
- advising administrations and authorities in their decision making on key issues in society where digital science plays a role
IRISA mobilizes to raise awareness and inform the public
Démonstration MIMETIC MS2lab - Festival des sciences 2019 - Pint Of Science Festival: present in more than twenty countries around the world, this international festival brings together scientists and the general public in a relaxed setting to showcase their latest research and discoveries.
- Semaine du Cerveau: Brain Awareness Week to share with the general public the concepts of brain imaging, functional MRI, EEG, neurofeedback and image processing.
- InOut: event around new mobilities to invent and test tomorrow's mobilities in Brittany.
- Journée Science et Musique: This scientific immersion proposes to a large public to discover the world of research and the new technologies of music and sounds around workshops, conferences and concerts.
- In order to make students aware of the world of digital research, our scientific teams regularly lead educational actions in middle and high schools. They also take care of eighth-grade students on a discovery internship and invite high school students for a day of immersion in scientific life on a university campus.
- To raise awareness of digital science among the younger generation and more particularly to attract girls who are under-represented in these fields, IRISA has partnered with the initiative “J'peux pas j'ai informatique”, which welcomes fifth grade classes for half a day to introduce them to the use of mathematics and logic in digital technology.
- Some of our doctoral students practice defying the time to present their thesis in 180 seconds, others create short Science in Progress Sciences en cour[t]s videos to inform and explain to the general public the objective of their research.
- And finally, many of our researchers regularly participate in interviews in national, local or specialized media and contribute to conferences for the general public, such as those organized for example during the Café des Sciences by the les Champs Libres.
IRISA advises national administrations and authorities
IRISA's scientists occasionally appear before specialized committees of the National Assembly as experts on societal issues where digital science plays a role.
- the Blockchain (Emmanuelle Anceaume, CNRS researcher, member of Cidre team),
- content protection (Laurent Amsaleg, CNRS researcher, head of LinkMedia team),
- fake news detection technology (Vincent Claveau, CNRS researcher, member of LinkMedia team),
- procedures relating to restricted zones (ZRR) (Jean-Marc Jezequel, professor University of Rennes, member of Diverse team)