What are the different ways of funding a PhD thesis at IRISA?

IRISA ensures that all its doctoral students have funding to complete their thesis.
Discover below the different ways of funding a thesis.
- Own resources: a majority of theses at IRISA is funded from IRISA’s own resources such as ANR or H2020 projects.
- Doctoral contract: The doctoral contract is a three-year employment contract signed between the doctoral student and a public higher education and research institution or by a public research institute. To obtain this type of contract, the candidate must be presented by his/her laboratory at the doctoral school competition organized each year.
- Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE) associates three partners around a research project: the research laboratory, a company and a young graduate. It is aimed at companies that commit to entrust a young graduate (Bac+5) with a research project in direct contact with an external laboratory.
- DGA scholarship: Every year, the French Armament Procurement Agency (DGA) funds about a hundred theses nationally with the aim of opening up defense to the civilian scientific world.
We are developing close collaboration with the DGA's center of expertise in information management on two major themes: cybersecurity and AI. This collaboration mainly takes the form of joint projects and PhDs, with coordination by the PEC for the cybersecurity theme. - Grant awarded by the Brittany Region (ARED Doctoral Research Grant): These are contracts co-financed by the Brittany Region. They only concern subjects related to Brittany. Once the subject has been selected by the Region of Brittany, the thesis director proposes a candidate.
- Other funding such as ADEME, Inserm, Cordis (Inria), CNES ...