2nd Fondation Rennes 1 Thesis Prize for Katharina BOUDGOUST

Submitted on 05/07/2022

The Rennes 1 Foundation awarded its thesis prizes to 8 PhDs from the University of Rennes 1 on Monday 4 July


Congratulations to Katharina BOUDGOUST who completed her thesis in the EMSEC (now CAPSULE) research team.
Thesis Director: Pierre-Alain FOUQUE and Adeline ROUX-LANGLOIS

Video file

The purpose of the Rennes 1 Foundation "Progress, Innovate, Undertake" is to bring the University of Rennes 1 closer to companies in order to promote innovation and socio-economic development. Each year, it awards a 1st prize and a 2nd prize for a thesis in each research sector of the University of Rennes 1 to the work with the greatest potential for innovation and/or technology transfer.