All the news


Olivier Commowick passed away

Inria pays tribute to Olivier Commowick, who passed away on 24 December 2022. Olivier Commowick, Inria researcher, defended his thesis in 2007 in the Asclepios project-team at Sophia, then did a post-doc at the Harvard Medical School before joining the Inria centre at the University of Rennes, within VISAGES and then Empenn. On December 24, 2022, Olivier left us at the end of an illness that he [..]

Voeux IRISA 2023 visuel

The members of IRISA wish you a wonderful year 2023!

Awards & nominations
Photo du trophée en plaque

IRISA's Gender Equality and anti-harassment committees receive the Minerva Informatics Equality Award

The Minerva Informatics Equality* prize was awarded on Tuesday, October 25 to IRISA's Gender Equality and anti-harassment committees This prize rewards all the work and actions implemented by these two committees: the Gender Equality Committee created to encourage and support women's careers in computer science research and teaching. And the anti-harassment commmittee(founded after the first one) [..]

Livre "Le corps en images", page de couverture.

The contribution of digital sciences and Artificial Intelligence in medical imaging

The contribution of digital sciences and Artificial Intelligence in medical imaging As part of the "Information Sciences and Health" thematic year of the INS2I of the CNRS, a day dedicated to new imagery for health was co-organised by IRISA in December 2020. This day was an opportunity to pay tribute to Christian Barillot, who died on 14 June 2020. Following this day, the organisers asked experts [..]


Some IRISA research teams will participate at the Fête de la Science

IRISA research teams will once again participate in this year's Fête de la Science The Empenn research team The ambition of Empenn is to establish a multidisciplinary team bringing together researchers in information sciences and medicine. Our medium- and long-term objective is to introduce our basic research to clinical practice, while maintaining the excellence of our methodological research [..]

In the press

The smart, ocean-friendly fishing net

IT for sustainable fishing and more respectful of the oceans At present, fishing is a real societal issue, particularly with regard to random catches of species without distinction of fish, correlated with the impact on the ecosystem and on the seabed. Teams of scientists are interested in developing artificial intelligence for more sustainable and ocean-friendly fishing, i.e. fishing sensibly [..]

Thesis with the start-up Lify Air

Algorithms to prevent pollen allergies

Detecting pollen allergies in order to better prevent them and respond to a real public health problem is the result of the research work of a team of scientists (CNRS, Irmar and IRISA) to which Esso Ridah BLEZA - a doctoral student in the Expression research team at IRISA - contributed as part of his CIFRE* thesis carried out within the start-up company Lify Air For some people, the arrival of [..]


Atelier MACLEAN "Machine Learning and computer vision in Earth Observation: Scientific results VS Industrial needs"

MACLEAN: "Machine Learning and computer vision in Earth Observation: Scientific results VS Industrial needs" During the joint CAp and RFIAP conferences to be held in Vannes on 5-8 July ( more information on these conferences ), a workshop on machine learning and computer vision issues in the context of earth observation is planned for Tuesday 5 July. This workshop, organised with the support of [..]