All the news

Voeux IRISA 2022. Bretagne colorée de visages des membre de l'IRISA avec géolocalisation des sites de Rennes, Lannion et Vannes

All the members of IRISA wish you a vitamin-rich and joyful year 2022!

Écran d'imagerie médicale en milieu hospitalier

Multiple sclerosis: IRISA joined the "ARSEP Open Day

Multiple sclerosis : IRISA took part in the "ARSEP Open Day" to present advances in medical imaging research On Friday 26 November 2021, ARSEP, the Foundation for the Support of Research into Multiple Sclerosis ( Aide à la Recherche sur la Sclérose En Plaques) , organised an "Open Day" in several cities in France, including Rennes. The aim of this day was to present research in medical imaging and [..]


Relive the 10th edition of the Science and Music Day in video and in pictures!

You were there or you would have liked to attend? Relive or discover this day thanks to the video made by Ludys and beautiful pictures by Caroline Ablain Thank you to all the organisation team, to the volunteers and especially to the public who always come!

JSM logo on visual background colored sound waves. Theme Journey to the center of sound

Journée Science et Musique: Sat. October 9, 2021

10th edition of the Science and Music Day: Saturday, October 9, 2021 The JSM [Journée Science et Musique] is a scientific and festive immersion through conferences, workshops and stands in the research and new technologies of music and sounds. On Saturday, October 9, 2021 , the 10th edition of the WSD invites you to make an extraordinary journey, a journey to the center of sound. Are you familiar [..]

Awards & nominations

Best Hands-on demonstation award at the prestigious IEEE World Haptics conference

Congratulations to the research team, composed of ... Thomas Howard, Xavier de Tinguy, Guillaume Gicquel, Maud Marchal, Anatole Lécuyer, Claudio Pacchierotti for their Best Hands-on Demonstration award "WeATaViX : Wearable Actuated Tangibles for Virtual Reality Experiences" at the IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC). a video of this demonstration is available here This sytem has been recently [..]

In the press

Imagine being able to touch and interact

Discover the research work carried out by Claudio Pacchierotti (CNRS researcher) and Maud Marchal (INSA professor), Guillaume Gicquel (CNRS research engineer) and Thomas Howard (CNRS post-doctoral student) members of the Rainbow research team, thanks to which touch should soon make its entry into virtual reality. Read the article "le Monde" (in french only) and on the CNRS website

Awards & nominations
Paolo Robuffo Giordano

Congratulations to Paolo Robuffo Giordano, is among the most influential AI 2000 researchers in the field of robotics

AI 2000 Robotics Most Influential Scholars IRISA is proud to announce that Paolo Robuffo Giordano , CNRS research director and head og the Rainbow researc team is one of the « AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars Honorable Mention » in the field of Robotics. In addition to this distinction, Paolo is the only researcher representing a French institute! Congratulations to Paolo Robuffo Giordano. Paolo [..]

photo©Airbus - Ravitaillement entre un Airbus A330-MRTT et un chasseur F-16

Successful research prototype with AIRBUS

This R&D success at Airbus Defence & Space is the culmination of many years of collaboration with two members of the RAINBOW team (formerly Lagadic): Éric Marchand (Professor at the University of Rennes 1) and François Chaumette (Research Director at Inria Rennes). To see the guidance of autonomous aerial vehicles become a reality, our researchers specializing in the localization of 3D objects and [..]