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Titre "Hack the fog!" logo Fogguru et chien devant un écran

63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed during the FogGuru’s hackathon Hack the Fog!

The hackathon "Hack the Fog" is the event to promote the results of the European project FogGuru, coordinated by the Université de Rennes 1 A week ago (March 16-28), for more than 48 hours, 63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed in the international hackaton #HackTheFog, a contest to develop an application prototype that improves the sustainability of La Marina de [..]

Awards & nominations

Congratulations to the EMSEC team for its best paper at FSE 2021

Congratulations to Stéphanie Delaune (CNRS Research Director ), Patrick Derbez (Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1) and Mathieu Vavrille (former intern in the EMSEC team and currently PhD student in Nantes) for their best paper award “Catching the Fastest Boomerangs -- Application to SKINNY” at FSE 2022. Paper obtained in the framwork of the ANR DeCrypt project.

Gildas AVOINE [photo©C.Gaberro] sur fond d'image web Axe Cybersécurité IRISA

Launch of the acceleration strategy to develop cybersecurity, with Gildas Avoine appointed CNRS scientific leader of PEPR

Gildas Avoine, Professor INSA Rennes is appointed CNRS scientific leader of « Programme et équipements prioritaires de recherche » (PEPR). Cybersecurity is a major issue of the 21st century! Cybersecurity is not only a question of national security, but also of the sustainability of business development and the safety of citizens. Stakes, made even more visible during the health crisis and the [..]

Awards & nominations
Usine intelligente avec logiciel de système de surveillance + icône Sécurité + logo GSMA

Congratulations to Patrick Derbez, appointed to the GSMA Mobile Security Research Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Patrick Derbez , associate professor Université Rennes 1 and member of the EMSEC research team, appointed to the GSMA Mobile Security Research Hall of Fame Sign of recognition of his work and in particular the paper "Cryptanalysis of the GPRS Encryption Algorithms GEA-1 and GEA-2" accepted at Eurocrypt'21 and co-authored by Patrick Derbez and his co-authors G. Leander, G [..]

Awards & nominations

Best paper award at Middelware '20

Online Federated Learning via Staleness Awareness and Performance Prediction. Georgios Damaskinos, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, et Rhicheek Patra [EPFL], Vlad Nitu [LIRIS à Lyon], et François Taïani [équipe WIDE à l'IRISA] ⟨10.1145/3423211.3425685⟩ . ⟨hal-03043237⟩ ... ...has been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 2020 ACM/IFP International Conference on Middleware , the premier event [..]

Awards & nominations

Congratulations to Shadi Ibrahim, winner of the "IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing"

Congratulations to Shadi Ibrahim, winner of the "IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Middle Career Researcher)". This prestigious recognition is awarded by the " IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) " to only 3 researchers each year. Shadi Ibrahim is an Inria resarcher scientist and team member of Myriads .

Awards & nominations

First place in the ITU Graph Neural Networking Challenge 2020 competition

Loïck Bonniot, industrial Phd student in the research team WIDE , and his team 'Steredeg' have won 1st place at the Graph Neural Networking Challenge 2020, organized as part of the AI/ML in 5G Challenge of l' ITU (the International Telecommunication Union), a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for all matters related to information and communication technologies. Loïck's solution [..]

Awards & nominations

Congratulations to Daniel De Almeida Braga for second place at CSAW 2020

Daniel De Almeida Braga is a PhD student in the EMSEC team and is supervised by Pierre-Alain Fouque and Mohamed Sabt. He won second place in the Applied Research competition for his publication "Dragonblood is Still Leaking: Pratical Cache-based Side-Channel in the Wild". CSAW is the world's largest academic cybersecurity competition. This year, the qualification phases brought together 1,600 [..]