

It's today at 6.30pm! Support Maxime!

They were 600, now they are only 16! Support Maxime Robic, doctoral student in the Rainbow team, tonight at 6:30 pm on site, or live on the Facebook page, the YouTube channel and on the competition website.


All with Maxime for the national final!

"Ma thèse en 180 secondes": Maxime Robic still in the running! Congratulations Maxime! The national final will take place on May 31 in Lyon To be continued ...


Meet our scientists at Laval Virtual Europe

A real meeting place for the major players in virtual and augmented reality: start-ups, investors, large groups, users and suppliers. For 3 days, the whole community will be gathered to discover the latest innovations in immersive technologies.

Titre revue de presse. Image de fond caméra et journaux

Retrospective of articles published in the press and various media.

When the press and the media talk about IRISA, we are talking about cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, mobility or health..... To be read or reread in the 2021 press review

Voeux IRISA 2022. Bretagne colorée de visages des membre de l'IRISA avec géolocalisation des sites de Rennes, Lannion et Vannes

All the members of IRISA wish you a vitamin-rich and joyful year 2022!


Relive the 10th edition of the Science and Music Day in video and in pictures!

You were there or you would have liked to attend? Relive or discover this day thanks to the video made by Ludys and beautiful pictures by Caroline Ablain Thank you to all the organisation team, to the volunteers and especially to the public who always come!

European cyber week

IRISA joins the European Cyber Week

IRISA joins the 6th edition of the European Cyber Week from 16-18 November. Discover the programme of the European Cyber Week ...

AC Orgerie

Anne-Cécile Orgerie was awarded a CNRS medal on Thursday 14 October

Among the five scientists from Rennes who were awarded the 2020 CNRS medals on Thursday 14 October, congratulations to Anne-Cécile Orgerie, CNRS research fellow, member of the Myriads team and head of the transverse energy axis specialising in the energy efficiency of distributed systems. © Jean-Claude MOSCHETTI / IRISA / CNRS Photothèque