The hackathon "Hack the Fog" is the event to promote the results of the European project FogGuru, coordinated by the Université de Rennes 1 A week ago (March 16-28), for more than 48 hours, 63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed in the international hackaton #HackTheFog, a contest to develop an application prototype that improves the sustainability of La Marina de [..]
63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed during the FogGuru’s hackathon Hack the Fog!
December 16 & 17: Nouvelles Imageries - days in tribute to Christian Barillot
In our digital world, information sciences play a leading role in a number of areas, particularly in the field of healthcare. To give just a few examples: Tomorrow's medicine will rely on data science to analyze masses of heterogeneous data on pathologies, patients, genomics, etc. in order to propose a personalized, preventive, predictive and participatory approach; Robotics becomes a precious [..]
How to facilitate the integration of migrants and refugees with the help of digital technology?
This is the ambition of the European project NADINE with the involvement of Damien Lolive, Arnaud Delhay and Gwénolé Lecorvé, all three Associate Professor at the Université de Rennes 1 and members of the Expression research team. What does this project consist of? The objective of the NADINE project is to develop a new way of integrating migrants and refugees thanks to solutions that [..]
Eight young international researchers design novel technology for smarter water management
Eight young researchers, who have followed academic and industrial training specifically focused on "fog computing", apply their research to improving some aspects of drinking water consumption and management in the smart city of Valencia. Discover this 29 of September, the presentation of the results and the announcement of the new experiments. Fog computing vs Cloud computing The evolution of [..]
IRISA joins the ARS ELECTRONICA Festival in an artistic performance "CREATIVE HARMONY"
Two virtual environments, two cities, two audiences to create a single networked virtual world ... when IRISA's expertise is at the center of a work of art "CREATIVE HARMONY" at the Festival Ars Electronika*, it is to be discovered this weekend in streaming. "CREATIVE HARMONY", is a work of art in virtual reality, composed of two virtual environments that will be networked between 2 cities (Rennes [..]
When IRISA combines the past with the future
As archaeological remains are fragile witnesses to be analyzed, interpreted, preserved and valorized, discover on the occasion of the European days of archaeology, the multiple innovative digital approaches in this field ... Valérie Gouranton (associate professor INSA) coordinator of the ANR-FRQSC INTROSPECT project and Ronan Gaugne (research engineer), members of the Hybrid research team. From [..]