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Pramana is a tool to automatically synthesize models for testing model transformations. This tool is developed by Sagar Sen in collaboration with Benoit Baudry. We acknowledge the contribution of Freddy Munoz for the Java version of alloy2emf ported from the original prototype version written in Python.
Pramana Pramana (Beta) Installation
This section describes the installation of Pramana (Beta).
Pramana Creating a New Input Meta-model (Optional)
This section describes the creation of a new input meta-model (if needed) to describe an input domain.
Pramana Declarative Specification Generation
This section describes the setup of different parameters required to generate an Alloy declarative model for a new or an existing meta-model. We then show how an Alloy model can be generated from the input meta-model.
Pramana Inserting Invariants
This section describes the insertion of additional invariants in the generated Alloy model. This is a manual step at the moment. We intend to automatically transform a subset of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) to Alloy a future version of Pramana.
Pramana Generation of Models
In this section we describe how an experiment available as an Alloy model is solved leading to model generation. We specify parameters such as number of models per criteria and SAT solver used.
Pramana Transforming Instances to Models
We show how XML solution instances generated by Alloy are transformed to XMI models that conform to the input meta-model.
Pramana Reading Models
This section briefly describes how the generated models can be read or used for testing.
Pramana Limitations
This section present current limitations of Pramana which we hope to resolve in the coming months...stay tuned :-)
Pramana Pramana Logo
Pramana's Logo. The tool is inspired by the french explorer Jacques Cartier. The tool explores the design space of test models.
Pramana Related Documents
This section contains publications related to Pramana
Pramana Pramana Download
The directory contains Pramana's source code.
Pramana Create New Meta-model
This image describes the create of a new meta-model using the Ecore diagram editor
Pramana AlloyMetamodel-en
Pramana Pramana Developer's documentation
This document is a developer's documentation for the work in progress around Pramana