Pramana (Beta) Installation
1. Download the OpenEmbeDD version of Eclipse from here. We have used the RHEA distribution of OpenEmbeDD. Unzip the distribution and rename the directory to "PramanaDemo" for convenience.
2. Download three archived projects in the Pramana Framework:
2.1 The Main Pramana Transformation
2.3 The Pramana Alloy2EMF Transformer
3. Lets imagine that you have/create a workspace directory called : demoSpace in the Eclipse directory.
4. We now import these archived projects into Eclipse
6. Launch Eclipse from the directory PramanaDemo.
7. Go to File->Import->General->Existing Projects in Workspace and left click on Next
8. Choose Select Archive File and import all three projects by repeating the steps. Don't forget to set : Copy projects into workspace to true.
9. The Eclipse environment is now ready to run Pramana.