Generation of Models
1. We copy the generated Alloy file (for example, from platform:/resource/Pramana/demo/MDD4DRES/SimpleUMLCD/output/alloyModel/simpleUML_MM_gts.als) to the directory
2. We copy the input domain meta-model (for example, from platform:/resource/Pramana/demo/MDD4DRES/SimpleUMLCD/input/metamodel/simpleUML_MM.ecore) to the directory
" platform:/resource/Pramana/Temp/currentMetaModel"
3. We rename the ecore and als files (for example, simpleUML_MM.als, simpleUML_MM.ecore) to current.als and current.ecore respectively.
4. Go to project "platform:/resource/solveAlloy" and open file "platform:/resource/solveAlloy/src/"
5. You can set some options:
5.1 Setting the output directory:
//Change the root on a different machine
String root = new String("/Users/sagarsen/Desktop/PramanaDemo/demoSpace/Pramana/");
5.2 Setting the number of solutions per predicate:
//Choose number of solutions desired per predicate
Integer numberOfSolutions=new Integer(5);
5.3 Choosing a SAT solver (at present it is set to MINISAT which allows incremental solving and several solutions). Other options include BerkMin, ZChaff, SAT4J etc..
options.solver = A4Options.SatSolver.MiniSatJNI;
6. Run the program after correctly setting these options to generate (or not if no solutions exist) models in the directory:
7. Alloy Instances are generated are in XML format.