International conference papers

Boosting Probabilistic Choice Operators
M. Petit, A. Gotlieb
Proc. of the International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2007), Providence, USA, 23rd to 25th September 2007. To appear.

Workshop papers

Path-Oriented Random Testing [.bib] [abstract] [.pdf]
A. Gotlieb, M. Petit
Proc.of 1st Int. Workshop on Random Testing (RT'2006)) -- satelite event of International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'2006), Portland, USA 20h July, 2006.

An ongoing work on statistical structural testing via probabilistic concurrent constraint programming [.bib] [abstract] [.pdf]
M. Petit, A. Gotlieb
Proc.of SIVOES-MODEVA workshop -- satelite event of International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2004), Saint-Malo, France 2th to 5th November, 2004,IEEE.

French speaking conference papers

Raisonner et filtrer avec un choix probabiliste partiellement connu [.bib] [abstract] [.pdf]
M. Petit, A. Gotlieb
Second French Speaking Days on Constraint Programming (JFPC'2006), Nîmes, France 7th to 9th June, 2006.

Poster Presentations

Probabilistic choice operators as global constraints : application to statistical software testing [.pdf]
M. Petit, A. Gotlieb
Poster published in LNCS 3132  -- Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'2004), Saint-Malo, France, 6th to 10th September, 2004

Research Reports

Probabilistic Choice Operators as Constraint Combinators: application to the statistical structural testing problem [.bib] [abstract] [.ps]
M. Petit, A. Gotlieb
INRIA Research Report number 6233 ,June, 2007, France

Constraint-Based Reasoning on Probabilistic Choice Operators. [.bib] [abstract] [.pdf]
M. Petit, A. Gotlieb
INRIA Research Report number 6165 , April, 2007, France

Last modifications in June 2007