Publications de Vincent Drevelle

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  1. V. Drevelle. Study of robust set estimation methods for a high integrity multi-sensor localization. Application to navigation in urban areas. Thèse de l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Décembre 2011. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf

Articles de journaux

  1. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Interval-based fast fault detection and identification applied to radio-navigation multipath. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2:154-172, Janvier 2016. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  2. V. Drevelle, J. Nicola. VIBes: A Visualizer for Intervals and Boxes. Mathematics in Computer Science, 8(3):563-572, 2014. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi
  3. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Reliable Positioning Domain Computation for Urban Navigation. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 5(3):21-29, 2013. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  4. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Localization Confidence Domains via Set Inversion on Short-Term Trajectory. IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 29(5):1244-1256, Octobre 2013. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  5. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. iGPS: Global Positioning in Urban Canyons with Road Surface Maps. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 4(3):6-18, 2012. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  6. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. A set-membership approach for high integrity height-aided satellite positioning. GPS Solutions, 15(4):357-368, Octobre 2011. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf

Conférences internationales

  1. I.-F. Kenmogne, V. Drevelle, E. Marchand. Image-based UAV localization using Interval Methods. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'17, Pages 5285-5291, Vancouver, Canada, Septembre 2017. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  2. I.-F. Kenmogne, V. Drevelle, E. Marchand. Vision based Pose domain characterization of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Interval Analysis. In 10th Workshop on Interval Methods, Manchester, UK, Juin 2017. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  3. V. Drevelle, L. Jaulin, B. Zerr. Guaranteed Characterization of the Explored Space of a Mobile Robot by using Subpavings. In 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS 2013, Pages 44-49, Toulouse, France, Septembre 2013. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  4. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Interval-based Fault Detection and Identification applied to Global Positioning. In IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2012, Pages 1085-1090, Brussels, Belgium, Juillet 2012. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  5. J. Moras, S.A. Rodriguez F, V. Drevelle, G. Dherbomez, V. Cherfaoui, P. Bonnifait. Drivable space characterization using automotive lidar and georeferenced map information. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2012, Pages 778-783, Alcala de Henares, Spain, Juin 2012. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi
  6. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Global Positioning in Urban Areas with 3-D Maps. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Pages 764-769, Baden-Baden, Germany, Juin 2011. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  7. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Robust Positioning Using Relaxed Constraint-Propagation. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'10, Pages 4843-4848, Taipei, Taiwan, Octobre 2010. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  8. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. High integrity GNSS location zone characterization using interval analysis. In ION GNSS 2009, Pages 2178-2187, Savannah, GA, United States, Septembre 2009. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  9. V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Integrity Zone Computation using Interval Analysis. In ENC-GNSS 2009 European Navigation Conference - Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Naples, Italy, Mai 2009. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf


  1. Vincent Drevelle. Convergence domain of image-based visual servoing with a line-scan camera. Summer Workshop on Interval Methods, SWIM 2016, Lyon, France, Juin 2016. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  2. Ide-Flore Kenmogne, Vincent Drevelle. Image-based Mobile Robot localization using Interval Methods. Summer Workshop on Interval Methods, SWIM 2016, Lyon, France, Juin 2016. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf

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