V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. A set-membership approach for high integrity height-aided satellite positioning. GPS Solutions, 15(4):357-368, Octobre 2011.
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A Robust Set-Inversion via Interval Analysis method in a bounded-error framework is used to compute three-dimensional location zones in real time, at a given confidence level. This approach differs significantly from the usual Gaussian error model paradigm, since the satellite positions and the pseudorange measurements are represented by intervals encompassing the true value with a particular level of confidence. The method computes a location zone recursively, using contractions and bisections of an arbitrarily large initial location box. Such an approach can also handle an arbitrary number of erroneous measurements using a q-relaxed solver and allows the integration of geographic and cartographic information such as digital elevation models or three-dimensional maps. With enough data redundancy, inconsistent measurements can be detected and even rejected. The integrity risk of the location zone comes only from the measurement bounds settings, since the solver is guaranteed. A method for setting these bounds for a particular location zone confidence level is proposed. An experimental validation using real L1 code measurements and a digital elevation model is also reported in order to illustrate the performance of the method on real data
Author = {Drevelle, V. and Bonnifait, P.},
Title = {{A set-membership approach for high integrity height-aided satellite positioning}},
Journal = {{GPS Solutions}},
Volume = {15},
Number = {4},
Pages = {357--368},
Publisher = {{Springer Verlag}},
Month = {October},
Year = {2011}
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