Head of team
Guillaume DOYEN (Professor, IMT Atlantique)

SOTERN, Self‐prOtecting The futurE inteRNet

The Sotern team sets out to design, develop and validate methods and tools for the self-protection of the Future Internet. Self-protection is considered as the capability of systems to monitor, detect and remedy by themselves to deliberately malicious behaviors, whose objectives, varied by nature, may be to undermine the proper provision of a service, a user or an infrastructure. Depending on the characteristics of the system and its maturity, the self-protection solutions may be intrinsically implemented into its components, such as during the design stage or by corrective means, or extrinsic, thereby implemented through dedicated security components automatically enforcing attack detection, mitigation and remediation.

  • Security policies and Intent-based security
  • Distributed algorithms and data processing for scalable security enforcement
  • Threat anticipation of/for emerging architectures
  • Autonomous pro-active security approaches
  • Human in the loop.
Creation date
Reporting institution
IMT Atlantique, Université de Rennes
IRISA Rennes, campus de Beaulieu - IMT Atlantique, campus de Rennes, à Cesson-Sévigné - IRISA Lannion, campus IUT
Activity reports
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