Modeling temporal healthcare processes

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IRISA Rennes, Salle Aurigny
Carlo COMBI (Institut polytechnique de Milan)

Carlo COMBI (, fera une présentation "Modeling temporal healthcare processes" le mardi 11 février à 10h30 en salle Aurigny.

Carlo est Professeur au Department of Biomedical Engineering de l'Institut polytechnique de Milan. Il est notamment éditeur en chef de la revue "Artificial Intelligence in Medecine" Pour ceux qui seraient intéressés par discuter avec lui, il sera présent également l'après midi.

Business Process (BP) technology has emerged as one of the leading technologies in modeling, redesigning, and executing organisational processes in many different application domains. Among them, the representation and management of health and clinical processes have been attracting a growing interest. Such processes are in general related to the way each health organization provides the required healthcare services. Health and clinical processes may underly the specification and application of clinical protocols, clinical guidelines, clinical pathways, and the most common clinical/administrative procedures. Current BP systems are lacking in effective management of three general key aspects that are common (not only) in the clinical/health context: data and knowledge dependencies, exception handling, and temporal constraints. In this talk I will first introduce and discuss recent advances in business process modeling with respect to the healthcare/medical domain, with a focus on the representation and run time management of temporal constraints through BPMN constructs and modularity. Then, I will introduce some recent results on algorithms for checking temporal properties of business processes in presence of explicit temporal constraints among tasks.