Programming Models and Engines for Computational Storage

Submitted by Jakob LUETTGAU on
Date of the beginning of the PhD (if already known)
dès que possible
IRISA - UMR 6074
Description of the subject

The volume of globally produced data is projected to reach more than 180 zettabytes by 2025 [Dat]. This poses challenges to data-driven organizations and research that routinely produce and access large volumes of data for analysis, search, and increasingly machine learning applications. With current computer architectures this means routinely transferring large volumes between distributed storage systems and compute systems spanning edge, cloud and supercomputing facilities. Unfortunately, data movements between storage and compute resources are a common bottleneck, often limiting the performance and driving the cost of executing data-driven applications. This cost primarily stems from the large amounts of network, storage and compute infrastructure as well as the energy needed to operate it. As a result data and compute infrastructure today has a notable environmental footprint: Data centers are currently accounting for about 3% of of the worlds total electricity usage [DOE24] and are projected to double by 2026 [Ele24]. To address both the performance and the energy challenges, computational storage architectures are being researched. These architectures combine storage and low-power computing capabilities: instead of moving the data, they allow moving the computational tasks. This allows for reducing the load on the network [LT21, SJP24] and freeing CPUs in the host system to perform other useful work [ZMRA21]. Computational storage also allows processing the data in parallel which can be much faster and more energy efficient [ZMRA21, GL21]. Research on computational storage is concerned with developing suitable programming models and designing algorithms and hardware acceleration to offer high performance while reducing the computations’ energy footprint. Therefore, it becomes essential to identify the most common data—and energy-intensive tasks in applications that can be computed directly in the computational storage, thus minimizing the data movement across nodes. A hybrid approach is widely anticipated: besides computational storage functions for common tasks — such as data aggregation and reduction, compression, duplication, and erasure coding, or search through regular expressions — computational storage devices may provide re-configurable acceleration through FPGAs. This heterogeneity necessitates taking a workflow perspective to allow the co-design of programming models, runtime systems, execution engines, and suitable hardware acceleration to optimally support a particular application.


This project has the overarching goal of researching methods to offload data-intensive processing tasks to computational storage systems and devices. This includes the study of suitable programming interfaces and data formats used to interact with computational storage devices and self-describing data formats. As well as the analysis and exploration of performance optimization and hardware acceleration of different workloads. Real workloads in the context of numerical weather prediction and climate simulation, high-energy physics, and machine learning will be studied to identify candidates for task that can be offloaded to computational storage engines. and characterize these candidates when executed in containers runtimes (e.g., Podman, Apptainer) or in hardware accelerated environments (e.g., based on RISC-V using Chipyard and Verilator). The candidate will learn state-of-the-art tools and standards, such as: • Self-Describing Data Formats (HDF5[HDF19], NetCDF[Uni19]) and numerical data processing libraries (Numpy, Pandas[pdt20], Dask[Roc15]) • Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage API [Com23] • Podman [eaHWB+18, Con24] and Apptainer [App, KcB+21] for Container-based Computational Storage Engines • Chipyard [ABG+20] and Verilator[SWGe24, Ver] for low-level accelerated Computational Storage Functions.


[ABG+20] Alon Amid, David Biancolin, Abraham Gonzalez, Daniel Grubb, Sagar Karandikar, Harrison Liew, Albert Magyar, Howard Mao, Albert Ou, Nathan Pemberton, Paul Rigge, Colin Schmidt, John Wright, Jerry Zhao, Yakun Sophia Shao, Krste Asanovi´c, and Borivoje Nikoli´c. Chipyard: Integrated design, simulation, and implementation framework for custom SoCs. IEEE Micro, 40(4):10–21, 2020.

[App] Apptainer - Portable, Reproducible Containers.

[Com23] Computational Storage API v1.0, October 2023.

[Con24] Containers/podman. Containers, September 2024.

[Dat] Data growth worldwide 2010-2025.

[DOE24] DOE: Data Centers and Servers., 2024.

[eaHWB+18] Matt et. al Heon, Dan Walsh, Brent Baude, Urvashi Mohnani, Ashley Cui, Tom Sweeney, Giuseppe Scrivano, Chris Evich, Valentin Rothberg, Miloslav Trmaˇc, Jhon Honce, Qi Wang, Lokesh Mandvekar, Adrian Reber, Eduardo Santiago, Sascha Grunert, Nalin Dahyabhai, Anders Bjorklund, Kunal Kushwaha, Sujil Ashwin Sha, Yiqiao Pu, Zhang- guanzhang, Matej Vasek, and Podman Community. Podman - : A tool for managing OCI containers and pods. Zenodo, January 2018.

[Ele24] Electricity 2024 - Analysis and Forecast to 2026, 2024.

[GL21] Tianhan Gao and Wei Lu. Machine learning toward advanced energy storage devices and systems. iScience, 24(1):101936, January 2021.

[HDF19] HDF Group. HDF5: Hierarchical Data Format, 2019.

[KcB+21] Gregory M. Kurtzer, cclerget, Michael Bauer, Ian Kaneshiro, David Trudgian, and David Godlove. Hpcng/singularity: Singularity 3.7.3. Zenodo, April 2021.

[LT21] Corne Lukken and Animesh Trivedi. Past, Present and Future of Computational Storage: A Survey, December 2021.

[pdt20] The pandas development team. Pandas-dev/pandas: Pandas. Zenodo, February 2020.

[Roc15] Matthew Rocklin. Dask: Parallel Computation with Blocked algorithms and Task Scheduling. In Python in Science Conference, pages 126–132, Austin, Texas, 2015.

[SJP24] Sushama Annaso Shirke, Naveenkumar Jayakumar, and Suhas Patil. Design and performance analysis of modern computational storage devices: A systematic review. Expert Systems with Applications, 250:123570, September 2024.

[SWGe24] Wilson Snyder, Paul Wasson, Duane Galbi, and et al. Verilator, September 2024.

[Uni19] Unidata. NetCDF: Network Common Data Form, 2019.

[Ver] Veripool.

[ZMRA21] Zichen Zhu, Ju Hyoung Mun, Aneesh Raman, and Manos Athanassoulis. Reducing Bloom Filter CPU Overhead in LSM-Trees on Modern Storage Devices. In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN 2021), pages 1–10, Virtual Event China, June 2021. ACM


Lastname, Firstname
Antoniu, Gabriel
Type of supervision
IRISA - UMR 6074

Lastname, Firstname
Luettgau, Jakob
Type of supervision
Co-director (optional)
IRISA - UMR 6074
Antoniu, Gabriel
+33 2 99 84 72 44
Luettgau, Jakob
+33 2 99 84 25 23
high-performance computing, storage, scientific workflows, data management