L'invité du mois : Florian Tramèr

50 ans - Keynote IRISA
Starting on
Ending on
IRISA Rennes
Espaces conférence Inria
Florian Tramèr

Florian Tramèr is an assistant professor of Computer Science at ETH Zürich. He leads the SPY Lab, and is a member of the Information Security Institute and of ZISC, and an associated faculty of the ETHZ AI Center.

His research interests lie in Computer Security, Machine Learning and Cryptography. In his current work, he studies the worst-case behavior of Deep Learning systems from an adversarial perspective, to understand and mitigate long-term threats to the safety and privacy of users.


Florian Tramèr


As part of the 50th anniversary of IRISA, the laboratory will host a conference by Florian Tramèr.
More about the events organized for IRISA'S 50th anniversary, visit the dedicated page.

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