Séminaire du département DKM - Angela Bonifati

Starting on
Ending on
IRISA Rennes
Michel Métivier

Jeudi 26/09 à 10h30, nous aurons l'occasion d'écouter (à distance) Angela Bonifati (voir Bio ci-dessous).
Pour l'occasion, nous avons reservé la salle Métivier et pour ceux qui veulent rester à distance : https://inria.webex.com/inria/j.php?MTID=m4ec14afcfa3b21377d570b0bb2195b21


For the next DKM seminar on Thursday 26/09 at 10:30 am, we will have the opportunity to listen (remotely) to Angela Bonifati (see Bio
 below). If you prefer her to speak English, let me know in advance.
For the occasion, we've booked the Métivier room, and for those who want to stay at a distance: https://inria.webex.com/inria/j.php?MTID=m4ec14afcfa3b21377d570b0bb2195b21


Voilà le résumé de son intervention :

Constraints and Transformations for Property Graphs
Property graphs are widely known as expressive data models for representing interconnected multi-labeled data enhanced with properties as key/value pairs. They are used in a wide range of domains, such as social and transportation networks, biological networks, finance, cybersecurity, logistics and planning, to name a few. Property graphs are the building blocks of future graph ecosystems, in which OLTP and OLAP processes are intertwined with complex advanced processes, such as learning, scientific computing and business intelligence. While property graphs are currently used in a variety of graph databases, a rather fragmented landscape emerges in terms of the supported query and schema languages. In particular, the coverage of schema and constraints is limited if not completely lacking in these systems. In this talk, I will present recent advances in terms of schemas and constraints for property graphs, as part of our work within the LDBC community. I will also focus on property graph transformations leveraging graph pattern calculus abstractions and leading to a declarative framework having practical utility and efficiency. Finally, I will pinpoint future directions of research in this new exciting area of data management.

Et sa bio :

Angela Bonifati is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at Lyon 1 University and at the CNRS Liris research lab, where she leads the Database Group. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada from 2020 and a Senior member of the French University Institute (IUF) from 2023. Her current research interests are on several aspects of data management, including graph databases, knowledge graphs, data integration and their applications to data science and machine learning. She has co-authored several publications in top venues of the data management field, including four Best Paper Awards, two books and an invited paper in ACM Sigmod Record 2018. She is the recipient of the prestigious IEEE TCDE Impact Award 2023 and a co-recipient of an ACM Research Highlights Award 2023. She is the Program Chair of ICDE 2025 and was the Program Chair of ACM Sigmod 2022 and EDBT 2020. She is currently an Associate Editor for the Proceedings of VLDB and for several other journals, including the VLDB Journal, IEEE TKDE and ACM TODS. She is the President of the EDBT Executive Board (2020-2025), a member of the PVLDB Board of Trustees (2024-2029) and a member of the IEEE TCDE executive board (2024-2029).