Defense type
Starting date
End date
Hélène Le Bouder
Main department
Composition of the jury
Jury members:
- Rapporteur: Fournier Jacques director of research at STMicroelectronics.
- Rapporteur: Marine Minier professor at Loria.
- Rapporteur: Peter Ryan professor at Luxembourg University.
- Jury President: Sylvain Duquesne professor at Rennes University.
- Examiner: Aurélien Francillon professor at Eurecom.
- Examiner: Arnaud Tisserand director of research at CNRS.
- Rapporteur: Fournier Jacques director of research at STMicroelectronics.
- Rapporteur: Marine Minier professor at Loria.
- Rapporteur: Peter Ryan professor at Luxembourg University.
- Jury President: Sylvain Duquesne professor at Rennes University.
- Examiner: Aurélien Francillon professor at Eurecom.
- Examiner: Arnaud Tisserand director of research at CNRS.