Presentation of the Arts, Culture and Heritage axis
NEW! Results of the 2025 call for projects
Thematic days
Project leaders
Presentation of the Arts, Culture and Heritage axis
The transversal axis Art, Culture and Heritage has given itself the mission to promote meetings and the emergence of collaborative research projects between public and private actors and IRISA teams around these themes.
"Digital technology" in the broadest sense of the term has taken a growing place in a large number of artistic, cultural and heritage related activities:
Digital technologies in artistic creation or performance: works using image synthesis, virtual reality, sound, real-time automatic...
Innovative practices in arts pedagogy, thanks to the development of automatic learning, "vision" and "hearing by computer";
Tools for data analysis and data mining for historians, art historians, musicologists... who can benefit from innovative algorithms and software for visualization, navigation, research in corpuses of millions of works.
New non-destructive working methods for cultural heritage professions in the analysis of artifacts or sites using medical imaging, virtual or augmented reality, 3D printing and spatialization ;
New tools for restoring or conserving works, particularly thanks to advances in three-dimensional imaging, automatic recognition, recording and restitution;
Innovations in cultural mediation and museography, with for example the use of virtual reality or augmented reality, on site or in virtual visits;
Digital tools multiply tenfold the creative possibilities for business experts as well as the richness of the experience offered to the public. But this interaction is certainly not a one-way street: in return, the creative imagination, emerging needs and problems brought by business experts, institutions and companies in the cultural and heritage sector also open up real and fundamental scientific challenges for research teams.
The axis therefore aims to encourage these reciprocal exchanges, which are fertile for the arts, culture and heritage as well as for the sciences. 16 IRISA teams spread over 5 of its departments carry out work or applications related to these themes, which shows a widely shared, unifying and largely cross-disciplinary interest.
The thematic days of the axis bring together IRISA researchers and "external" actors to present their past and present work and activities as well as their perspectives. In addition to oral presentations, informal exchanges are encouraged, notably through a demonstration session.
Results of the 2025 call for projects
Call for ‘Artist/Scientist’ projects 2025 |
The winners of the 2025 call for projects are :
The projects will be presented at the end of 2025. |
Thematic Days
Avril 2024 | See the program du Séminaire Art, Culture et Patrimoine |
Juin 2023 | Journée "1 artist 1 scientist" |
Janvier 2023 | Voir le programme du Séminaire Art, Culture et Patrimoine |
2020-2021 | Postponed |
2019 |
Project leader
Valérie Gouranton: valerie [*] gourantonirisa [*] fr (Associate professor, INSA Rennes)
Aurélie Lemaitre: aurelie [*] lemaitreirisa [*] fr (aurelie[dot]lemaitre[at]irisa[dot]fr) (Associate professor, Université de Rennes 2)